geary / AnyTone-D868UV

Unofficial issue tracker for AnyTone AT-D868UV and AT-D878UV radios and firmware
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Automatic volume control with memory for DMR stations #32

Open geary opened 6 years ago

geary commented 6 years ago

When listening to a QSO or net, there can be a wide variation in volume level from station to station, due to the operators' microphone technique, radio, and audio settings.

In many cases I'm unable to leave the volume knob in one position. I have to keep turning the volume up and down, otherwise one station is too loud and another is too quiet to hear.

There is some variation in volume on analog, but on DMR it can be fairly extreme.

I would think that it shouldn't be too hard to implement automatic gain control (AGC) in the firmware. There could be a global user preference where you can enable AGC for analog, for digital, or both.

Once you have AGC, you can then do something awesome for DMR. Instead of a single AGC level that blindly follows the incoming audio as you would have to to in analog, the radio can remember the current AGC level separately for each station. So as each person in the QSO or net talks, the audio can instantly go to the same AGC level as when they last talked.

Even if it just remembered some small number of most recent stations' AGC levels, that would be good enough - a few dozen would take care of any typical net.