geaz / simplyRetro-Z5

A 3D printed, five inch retro gaming handheld.
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Amazon link to HDMI+HDMI mini+fpc cable wrong type #16

Open itsumimario opened 3 years ago

itsumimario commented 3 years ago

The Amazon link goes to a kit that has an HDMI A1 connector (correct), HDMI C2 connector (incorrect—should be C1), and a 20cm FPC cable (incorrect—should be 5cm).

geaz commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the info! Are you abel to provide the correct links? Otherwise I will just remove them.

itsumimario commented 3 years ago

I think this one should do the trick:

I happened to already have the correct connector (from a previous project) so I can’t vouch for this particular item listing, but it looks like it fits the bill.

Also, one thing I’ve noticed as a word of warning to anyone reading this, it appears some manufacturers have swapped how they define C1 and C3 HDMI mini connectors. So for example, in the Amazon link above, that’s a C3 connector and that’s the one that’s needed, even though other sellers will sometimes call it C1.