geberit / Revit.TestRunner

Unit Test Runner for Autodesk Revit
MIT License
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Testrunner service not available #28

Open kleipert opened 1 year ago

kleipert commented 1 year ago

I am using the testrunner console application to process multiple DLL files with multiple revit versions (from 2020 up to 2023). I'm processing everything file by file e.g. FileA gets processed in all revit versions afterwards FileB gets tested in all revit versions.

Sometimes the testrunner gives me the error "testrunner service not available". The testing pipeline remains in this state until the job times out. I tried to find the process which the testrunner opened (by its processId) and close it and restart my tests but the same thing happens again. Afterwards i tried to manually start up revit and see if the testrunner loads correctly, but it seems like i am unable to start any revit version (there appears no error message, it just wont startup, no splashscreen at all).

The only solution to this i found so far is restarting my machine. This behaviour occurs somewhat randomly, sometimes once in a week, sometimes multiple times a day. Also this does not happen on a certain file or revit version. I had it happening with revit 2021 and 2023 as well as with multiple files.

If you need any further information, just let me know and ill try my best to help. Thanks for developing this and make it available for everyone.

tobiasfloescher-geberit commented 1 year ago

Thank you for using TestRunner. Restarting the machine sounds very unpleasant.

TestRunner does not have an own process. It's just a thread in the Revit.exe process. It runs as an addin. Therefore, if in this exceptional case, killing all Revit processes should help.

There is a logfile, maybe there is something useful in it. It is in the bin of the executing folder \bin\Addin\Test.Runner.log

Multiple Revit versions at the same time is not supported at the moment by TestRunner. Maybe it confuses if the different Revit versions start too quickly one after the other.

kleipert commented 1 year ago

Alright, i will look at the log file. Do you want me to send it to you?

I am not starting the revit versions at the same time, nor very quickly after each other. The DLL files with my test are running at least a minute or two per file, some even longer.

Any idea on why killing the process wont help and a restart is required?

tobiasfloescher-geberit commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't have an idea at the moment. Please send the logfile. But I don't have high hopes.

kleipert commented 1 year ago

Here is the log file, thank you for your time.
