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Project Update #8 #10

Open elizabethrapkin opened 3 years ago

elizabethrapkin commented 3 years ago

We made a lot of great progress this week. First of all, we began to experiment with more CSS for our website and added some HTML (including hover links to our menu). Additionally, we are almost done with our analysis. We are using Mallet to produce topic models, and Edwin has been practicing using the software and has began to produce data that will actually be used in our graphics. We are also using network analysis - the network itself is done, so over the next week the goal is to get it onto the website and add some write-ups about it. We have decided to included multiple versions of the same network in order to portray some different conclusions. Our next steps for the website will be the create a reading view of our texts. Grace will start creating the XSLT skeleton and look into batch validation since we have over 50 speeches.

JeremyTygh commented 3 years ago

It sounds like you are making great progress--I am interested to see how your topic models come out! My group is also considering using networking in our analysis and I have begun working through Elisa's tutorial on Cytoscape. Having finished your network, do you have any tips that helped facilitate your development process?

jog141 commented 3 years ago

I think that it's so cool that you guys have already started practicing using Mallet to create your models. It is also really impressive that your network analysis is already done! You guys are really on top of it; you're making great progress and I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.

hcasazza commented 3 years ago

I think it is exciting to see that you are beginning to work more on CSS and data design for your website. These tools can have an tremendous impact on how the user views the website and understands your information. Have you considered yet what information you would like to display in your data or the design of it?