gec34 / Inaugural_Addresses

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Project Update #9 #11

Open EdwinRosenberg opened 3 years ago

EdwinRosenberg commented 3 years ago

This week we continued our progress on the CSS/HTML, Network Analysis, and Topic Modeling. Elizabeth mostly completed the Network Analysis, and decided to select a handful of presidents to show the specific networks for. This will help show the relationships between different policies for each President. The MALLET analysis is also coming along well; we have a good topic model with about 15-20 distinct topics to analyze. Evan provided us with XSLT code that can transform the MALLET output (text files) into usable xml that we can then turn into SVG. The plan will be to select a topic and plot it across every president chronologically to see the trend. We also made some progress on the website design, and discussed ways that we can make it look better. For next week, we will finish up the Analysis component and then spend the remaining time in the course getting it all up on the site, doing write-ups, and figuring out how exactly we want the user experience on the website to be.

clk125 commented 3 years ago

It sounds like your group is at a really good point. I'm impressed with the progress your group is making with network analysis and connecting the MALLET analysis with XSLT. I think your plan for showing individual topics across the different presidencies is a great use of network analysis and will benefit the viewer a lot in understanding your research. I think its fine that you have left some of the design and user experience features towards the end because my group found that we were making a lot of changes as we went based on what we have found in our analysis.

hcasazza commented 3 years ago

I think its excellent that your group is beginning to use network analysis and svg in your project! I am curious what the network analysis will reveal about the presidents and their policies; possibly emphasizing their political party? Do you plan on using SVG as a support within your network analysis, providing a definitive number to reoccurring policies?