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Project Update #5 #7

Open elizabethrapkin opened 3 years ago

elizabethrapkin commented 3 years ago

Since we finished our midterm (finalizing markup and validating it against our schema), today we talked about next steps. It is time to start working on the website and analyzing our data. For next time, we are going to start creating a skeleton for our page (especially the index page) with CSS and XHTML as well as sketch up some ideas for page design. Additionally, we discussed different ways we could potentially use Schematron in our project. We're not sure if it is going to be helpful, so we are going to research some applications of Schematron over the next week to see if it will help in our analysis and conclusion. We talked about some specific trends that stood out to us in our markup such as religion, stress, unity, humility, optimism, and pride. Lastly, originally we were going to write up bios in prose for each president. However, instead we have decided to present simply the metadata for each president as we think it is unlikely the user would read a paragraph for over 50 presidents individually.

ajm324 commented 3 years ago

It seems like your group is at a good pint, it's exciting to think about putting things up on the site. I think the thought process behind shortening the data for each president was a good choice, have you guys decided how exactly you are going to present it to make it the most approachable? Currently my group has not found a need for schematron, but I am really interested to see what you guys find out are ways to incorporate that technology.

jog141 commented 3 years ago

We are also at a similar point with our project, as we finished all of our markup and planned our next steps. I think that it is smart that you guys starting off by creating a skeleton for your CSS and XHTML because it will be much easier to build on it as you compile your content. Our group is currently working on typing out all of the overviews and individual bios that will appear on the site, and also talk about and fix our markup inconsistencies. Good luck this week!

hcasazza commented 3 years ago

Like your group, my group has also recently begun working on html and css. I think it is excellent your group has already started analyzing different trends like religion, stress, unity, humility, optimism and pride. Having those key points can make it easier to find different ways to connect users with your website and possible points of interest. Have you considered how you would like to display these items within html and css to give the user the best access to them?