gecos-lab / PZero

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Dip symbols in cross sections #74

Open andrea-bistacchi opened 2 weeks ago

andrea-bistacchi commented 2 weeks ago

After some refactoring in 2D views, the same dip symbols are used everywhere. This is a bit strange when seen the first time, but it could deliver the additional information of obliquity of a plane with respect to cross section. Could we keep this "strange but informative" visualization?


Please give your opinion!

gbene commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe as a toggle?

andrea-bistacchi commented 2 weeks ago

seems a bit complicated... let's try like this! if this is not useful we can go back to old classical dip symbols.

afrigeri commented 2 weeks ago

I love that! I would prefer more contrast between the ellipse and the lines, but that's a minor issue. I agree with @andrea-bistacchi—let's keep it and see how/if that improves the perception of the attitude.

andrea-bistacchi commented 2 weeks ago

In any case there are several problems with dip symbols. Detailed testing is needed.

gbene commented 1 week ago

We discussed and proposed to change the symbol to a square instead of a circle to see if the visualization improves. However we also talked about the difficulties of understanding the polarity of the measurement with the 3D symbol. How would you indicate polarity? I proposed to add a third short segment perpendicular to the gliph however it may compicate the visualization. Let us know!

andrea-bistacchi commented 1 week ago

We are in no hurry to change them. Examples for symbols can be found in:

de Kemp, E.A., Schetselaar, E.M., Sprague, K., 2006. 3-D symbolization of L–S fabrics as an aid to the analysis of geological structures. Computers & Geosciences 32, 52–63.