geddski / macros

macros support for VS Code
MIT License
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Allow Undo of complete macro (not just last action) #48

Closed yaagma closed 3 years ago

yaagma commented 5 years ago

The extension is GREAT. But when using Undo (Ctrl+Z), I'd like to be able to undo all the actions of the macro; not just the last one.

For example, in this macro, only "editor.action.removeCommentLine" is undone.

 "commentDown": [

To Undo a macro, I have to type "Ctrl+Z" as many times as editor actions it has.


ctf0 commented 5 years ago

the ext simply runs commands in sequence, it doesnt add any extra side operations to track the changes made.

what u need is something like full undo or undo all similar to

yaagma commented 5 years ago

what u need is something like full undo or undo all similar to

Not exactly. That plugin seems to undo every change in the file, not just the changes in the last executed macro.

What I'm looking for is something like:

 "commentDown": [
            "START_UNDO_CONTEXT",       // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            "END_UNDO_CONTEXT",       // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

So, if I press Ctrl+Z, the complete macro in undone (but no more). I don't know if that is possible.


ctf0 commented 5 years ago

mmmm, maybe create another custom command like where u put a command u want to run and the one you want to execute accordingly ex.

"macros": {
  "undoMacroChanges": [
    {"command": "undo", "args": {"command": "commentDown"}},

so now when u execute undoMacroChanges the function will run the undo command times the number of the commentDown array count

yaagma commented 5 years ago

mmmm, maybe create another custom command like #13 where u put a command u want to run and the one you want to execute accordingly ex.

"macros": {
  "undoMacroChanges": [
    {"command": "undo", "args": {"command": "commentDown"}},

so now when u execute undoMacroChanges the function will run the undo command times the number of the commentDown array count

It could be, but I think it would be more usable if you could somehow use Ctrl+z instead of a new command. If I understand this solution, when you press a keybinding to do a command and you want to undo its effect, you must stop and answer yourself ¿Was this a simple command or was it a macro? ¿Should I use Ctr+z or should I use "undoMacroChanges" command?

I'd like that, when I want to undo a keybinding effect, native commands and macros behave the same way (when using Ctrl+Z)

Sorry. English it's not my native language.


ctf0 commented 5 years ago


tberghuis commented 5 years ago

@ctf0 Your fork works great, however i can't raise issues on your repo

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

@tberghuis i didn't notice it was off, done

yaagma commented 5 years ago


There is no difference. Ctrl+z behaves the same way: only last action is undone (not the whole macro). ¿What should I try?


ctf0 commented 5 years ago

the ctrl+z wont work as u expect because macros are not a native command, what u need is to create another command that counter the effect of the ran macro ex.

yaagma commented 5 years ago

Ok. Just to confirm: so for EVERY macro M I'd want to undo I should create another macro undoM and assign it a DIFFERENT keybinding, isn't it?

It would be awesome that vs code would allow to interact with the undo manager to insert some form of composite action (composed by all the macro actions) and then it could handle this situation automatically for us.

Thanks for your work.

ctf0 commented 5 years ago

Ok. Just to confirm: so for EVERY macro M I'd want to undo I should create another macro undoM and assign it a DIFFERENT keybinding, isn't it?
