geduldig / TwitterAPI

Minimal python wrapper for Twitter's REST and Streaming APIs
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ImportError: No module named requests_oauthlib #12

Closed arikuja closed 10 years ago

arikuja commented 10 years ago

I get the following error when trying to import TwitterAPI:

ImportError: No module named requests_oauthlib

geduldig commented 10 years ago

Are you using the latest version of TwitterAPI?
How did you install TwitterAPI? In PYthonXX\Lib\site-packages\ do you see a folder named 'requests_oauthlib'?

My first guess would be that you installed TwitterAPI manually. If you use pip or easy_install to install TwitterAPI, that would also install requests_oauthlib.


PiEatinNerd commented 7 years ago

I had the same issue, this fixed it:

sudo pip3 install twython --upgrade

geduldig commented 7 years ago

LOL twython != TwitterAPI

sudo pip3 install TwitterAPI --upgrade