geek-ai / Texygen

A text generation benchmarking platform
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Small vocab_size raises division by zero in DocEmbSim #32

Open remidomingues opened 5 years ago

remidomingues commented 5 years ago

Feeding the following real training dataset to a SeqGAN works perfectly:

X = np.random.randint(0, 20, (80, 20))

However, the following dataset with the same dimensionality but 6 symbols instead of 20 raises an error.

X = np.random.randint(0, 6, (80, 20))

In both cases, we used vocab_size = #unique symbols + 1, as suggested in text_process.text_precess(). Here is the corresponding traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "texygen/", line 85, in train
  File "texygen/models/seqgan/", line 331, in train_real
  File "texygen/models/seqgan/", line 80, in evaluate
    scores = super().evaluate()
  File "texygen/models/", line 55, in evaluate
    score = metric.get_score()
  File "texygen/utils/metrics/", line 33, in get_score
    return self.get_dis_corr()
  File "texygen/utils/metrics/", line 164, in get_dis_corr
    return np.log10(corr / len(self.oracle_sim))
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero