geekan / MetaGPT

🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
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metagpt generate too many inconsistent invocation code between different source files #1185

Open longweiii opened 5 months ago

longweiii commented 5 months ago

metagpt always generate inconsistent code between different source files. For example, in source file A, it contains a method a(p1,p2),this method have 2 parameters, but in source file B, it will generate invocation code for the method a(p1) which only contains 1 parameters of that method, and sometime in source file A, it will generate invocation code for a non-exist method in other source file, and there are too many such cases in project for me to fix them, is there any good way to avoid such inconsistent codes?

longweiii commented 5 months ago

And sometimes the generated source code will call a non-exist attribute of a object, these inconsistent codes make project unable to run.

seehi commented 5 months ago

What's your LLM model, prefer gpt-4-turbo

longweiii commented 5 months ago

What's your LLM model, prefer gpt-4-turbo I use this LLM model 微信图片_20240412104847

longweiii commented 5 months ago

is gpt-4-turbo-preview different from gpt-4-turbo?

seehi commented 5 months ago

gpt-4-turbo is the latest model. You can check these cases, they are all generated by metagpt, sometimes it's neccessary to adjust the code.