geekan / MetaGPT

🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
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metagpt.utils.text / generate_prompt_chunk() / Calculation for max token length is flawed because LLM model name could actually hold the DEPLOYMENT model name. #1225

Open kilesk opened 6 months ago

kilesk commented 6 months ago

Bug description

metagpt.utils.text / generate_prompt_chunk() / Calculation for max token length is flawed because LLM model name could actually hold the DEPLOYMENT model name.

The calculation for max token length, i.e.:

    reserved = reserved + count_string_tokens(prompt_template + system_text, model_name)
    # 100 is a magic number to ensure the maximum context length is not exceeded
    max_token = TOKEN_MAX.get(model_name, 2048) - reserved - 100

is flawed on a number of counts:

Bug solved method

In order to resolve this issue need to distinguish between the model name and deployment name in the LLMConfig. One refers to the type of model being used, whereas the other refers to an instance / deployment of that type.

Environment information

poetry = "~1.7.0" python = ">=3.9,<3.13" aiohttp = "3.8.6" channels = "4.0.0" faiss_cpu = "1.7.4" fire = "0.4.0" typer = "0.9.0" lancedb = "0.4.0" loguru = "0.6.0" meilisearch = "0.21.0" numpy = "^1" openai = "1.6.1" openpyxl = "3.1.2" beautifulsoup4 = "4.12.3" pandas = "2.1.1" pydantic = "2.5.3" python_docx = "0.8.11" PyYAML = "6.0.1" setuptools = "65.6.3" tenacity = "8.2.3" tiktoken = "0.6.0" tqdm = "4.66.2" anthropic = "0.18.1" typing-inspect = "0.8.0" libcst = "1.0.1" qdrant-client = "1.7.0" ta = "0.10.2" semantic-kernel = "0.4.3.dev0" wrapt = "1.15.0" aioredis = "~2.0.1" websocket-client = "1.6.2" aiofiles = "23.2.1" gitpython = "3.1.40" zhipuai = "2.0.1" rich = "13.6.0" nbclient = "0.9.0" nbformat = "5.9.2" ipython = "8.17.2" ipykernel = "6.27.1" scikit_learn = "1.3.2" typing-extensions = "4.9.0" socksio = "~1.0.0" gitignore-parser = "0.1.9" websockets = "~11.0" networkx = "~3.2.1" google-generativeai = "0.4.1" playwright = ">=1.26" anytree = "2.12.1" ipywidgets = "8.1.1" Pillow = "10.3.0" imap_tools = "1.5.0" qianfan = "0.3.2" dashscope = "1.14.1" rank-bm25 = "0.2.2" gymnasium = "0.29.1" jieba = "0.42.1" beautifulsoup4 = "~4.12.3" dependency-injector = "~4.41.0" duckduckgo_search = "~5.3.0" google-api-python-client = "~2.127.0" playwright = "~1.43.0" selenium = "~4.19.0" webdriver-manager = "~4.0.1"

Screenshots or logs


geekan commented 5 months ago

@shenchucheng can you look at this question?