geekan / MetaGPT

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MetaGPT ollama configuration new parameter request #1254

Open snapo opened 4 months ago

snapo commented 4 months ago

Some of the new llama3 models have extended rope max token size limits that have to be sent with the original http request to adjust.


would it be possible to add to the configfile a new parameter to set the max token to a integer value?

for example something like this:

  api_type: "ollama"  # or azure / ollama / open_llm etc. Check LLMType for more options
  model: "dolphin-llama3:8b-256k-v2.9-q4_0"  # or gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 / gpt-4-1106-preview
  base_url: "http://snabox:11434/api"  # or forward url / other llm url
  num_token: 64000 # <--- new setting that gets sent with the HTTP request so ollama knows the max token size possible
geekan commented 4 months ago

@better629 Could you take a look at this?