geekan / MetaGPT

🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
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Does MetaGPT suppport upload files #1409

Open GlassyAmadeus opened 1 month ago

GlassyAmadeus commented 1 month ago

Does MetaGPT suppport upload files through func like openai:

file = client.files.create( file=open("", "rb"), purpose='assistants' )

GlassyAmadeus commented 1 month ago

And in addition, can I use the openai default tools like code_interpreter or file_search in MetaGPT?

shenchucheng commented 1 month ago

MetaGPT does not use OpenAI's File API for uploading files, nor does it directly use OpenAI's default tools. Whether this will be supported in the future requires further discussion.