geekbozu / NintendoWiSpy

A live input-viewer for GameCube/N64 controllers over wifi or usb serial. Used for showing/recording inputs during livestreams/gameplay recording sessions.
MIT License
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Incomplete instructions #24

Open Togain opened 2 years ago

Togain commented 2 years ago

Been really interested in this project for a while, and forgive me for asking but I've been completely unable to get this to work in any configuration. Specifically trying to get the single controller N64 variant working, but I cannot figure out the wiring for the life of me. Perhaps I'm misreading the given instructions or thinking too hard about it, but I've wired everything as shown in the schematic which results in a Hardware Watchdog reset on the esp8266 every 8 seconds or so.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

geekbozu commented 2 years ago

I missed this some how :( Got a picture of your setup? Will be the easiest to debug it that way!

Maatooh commented 1 year ago

Fatal exception:4 flag:1 (Hardware Watchdog) epc1:0x40000f68 epc2:0x00000000 epc3:0x00000000 excvaddr:0x00000000 depc:0x00000000

Could there be a simple adaptation to just use the serial port? thank you.