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How should you use filters in controllers #25

Open geekelo opened 1 month ago

geekelo commented 1 month ago

Filters in controllers are used to execute certain code before, after, or around controller actions in Ruby on Rails. They provide a way to encapsulate common pre-processing or post-processing logic that needs to be applied across multiple controller actions or controllers themselves. Here's how you can use filters in controllers:

  1. Before Filters: Before filters are executed before the controller action is executed. They are commonly used for tasks such as authentication, authorization, setting up instance variables, or any other pre-processing that needs to be done before handling a request.

    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      before_action :authenticate_user, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy]
      def edit
        # This action will only be executed if the user is authenticated
      def authenticate_user
        # Authentication logic goes here
  2. After Filters: After filters are executed after the controller action is executed but before rendering a response. They are useful for tasks such as logging, modifying the response, or performing cleanup tasks.

    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      after_action :log_action
      def create
        # This action will be executed first, then the log_action filter will run
      def log_action
        # Logging logic goes here
  3. Around Filters: Around filters execute code before and after the controller action. They can modify the response or even bypass the action altogether. They are less commonly used but provide a lot of flexibility.

    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      around_action :wrap_action
      def show
        # This action will be wrapped by the wrap_action filter
      def wrap_action
        # Code executed before the action
        yield # Executes the action
        # Code executed after the action
  4. Skipping Filters: In some cases, you might want to skip certain filters for specific actions or under certain conditions. Rails provides methods like skip_before_action, skip_after_action, and skip_around_action for this purpose.

    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      skip_before_action :authenticate_user, only: [:index, :show]
      def index
        # This action will not require authentication

By using filters effectively, you can keep your controller actions clean and organized, reduce code duplication, and ensure consistent behavior across your application.