geekq / workflow

Ruby finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling workflow
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Problem with sequel model update #217

Closed deemytch closed 4 years ago

deemytch commented 4 years ago

Throws Sequel::UniqueConstraintViolation: PG::UniqueViolation when updating the model. Working ok without including Workflow into model. gem workflow-sequel is not working too, it is outdated, and that code is copied from it.

ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [x86_64-linux] postgresql 11.4 workflow 2.0.2 sequel 5.22.0

Below is the example test code.

CREATE TABLE sequelbags (
  client_id BIGINT,
  token VARCHAR(256),
  jobstatus VARCHAR(32)
ALTER TABLE sequelbags OWNER TO user;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS jobstatus_idx ON sequelbags ( jobstatus );

Here you need to connect to database.

Sequel::Model.db = Sequel.connect 'postgres://user:password@localhost/blog'

Then you define the model class.

class Sequelbag < Sequel::Model
  include Workflow
  workflow_column :jobstatus

  workflow do
    state :new do
      event :run, transition_to: :working
    state :working do
      event :done, transition_to: :shutdown
      event :error, transition_to: :failed
    state :shutdown
    state :failed

  def load_workflow_state

  def persist_workflow_state(new_value)
    send("#{self.class.workflow_column}=", new_value)
    save(changed: true, validate: false)
    # save(changed: true, columns: [self.class.workflow_column], validate: false)

  def before_validation
    send("#{self.class.workflow_column}=", current_state.to_s) unless send(self.class.workflow_column)


If the class does not include Workflow and so on all updates on my models are working fine. And that's all, floks.

x = Sequelbag.create
#<Sequelbag @values={:id=>2, :client_id=>nil, :token=>nil, :jobstatus=>"new"}>
x0.update client_id: 1
Sequel::UniqueConstraintViolation: PG::UniqueViolation: ОШИБКА:  повторяющееся значение ключа нарушает ограничение уникальности "sequelbags_pkey" DETAIL:  Ключ "(id)=(2)" уже существует.
from project/vendor/ruby/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.22.0/lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb:152:in `async_exec'
Caused by PG::UniqueViolation: ОШИБКА:  повторяющееся значение ключа нарушает ограничение уникальности "sequelbags_pkey" DETAIL:  Ключ "(id)=(2)" уже существует.                                                                                     
from project/vendor/ruby/2.6.0/gems/sequel-5.22.0/lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb:152:in `async_exec'
geekq commented 4 years ago

You are right: to use the latest workflow gem in version 2 or later, all persistence libraries, e.g. workflow-sequel need to be updated.

  1. You can provide a fix to workflow-sequel (they have instructions on Contributing) or implement your own persistence as described in
  2. You can try using older version of workflow. It is still available in github and via rubygems. Please read
deemytch commented 4 years ago

Владимир, but the bug that I opened is about that persistence with sequel, exactly as described in docs does not works. And I can't get why.

geekq commented 4 years ago
  1. UniqueViolation... Ключ "(id)=(2)" уже существует looks like a record with the same id already exists. Does error happens directly on Sequelbag.create ? Is it supposed to save the record immediately? persist_workflow_state should not cause this since it is not called for new records but only in process_event!

  2. Can you please provide a complete minimal application (if it is a Rails-Application) or even a self-contained single-file script demonstrating the problem + Gemfile so I can easily reproduce?

deemytch commented 4 years ago

Yes, and this appears when updating exisiting record and only when the class contains include Workflow. I will make the script soon.

deemytch commented 4 years ago Edit createdb.sql and sequelbag.rb if you need to change user/password/database. Run there.

geekq commented 4 years ago

:+1: was able to reproduce.

Now try to change state name from :new to something else like :neww and see what happens!

geekq commented 4 years ago

Background: if you define some workflow states and events, a bunch of convinience methods are created behind the scene. Looks like one of them collides with the methods used by the Sequel::Model implementation - likely new?

How I debugged:

  1. run your script - can reproduce the problem
  2. commented out actions in persitence callbacks like persist_workflow_state, before_validation etc. Problem was still there.
  3. removed everything workflow-related - problem diappeared
  4. added include Workflow - still works
  5. added workflow_column and an empty workflow do block - still works
  6. added states one by one starting with the last one - only the :new state had a problem
  7. rename the state

I should probably mention it in the documentation.

deemytch commented 4 years ago

Где были мои глаза? Володя, спасибо!