geeks-r-us / mqtt-panel

Simple Grafana panel that allows to communicate with a mqtt server
Apache License 2.0
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can't install the plugin on raspberry-hosted grafana using CLI commands #39

Open mo802 opened 3 years ago

mo802 commented 3 years ago

hello, i'm trying to install the plugin on raspberry-hosted grafana using CLI commands but i get an error message. the CLI command and the error message are shown bellow plugin error

Garridus commented 3 years ago

The sudo command allows users to gain administrative or root access $ sudo grafana-cli

mo802 commented 3 years ago

yeah really thanks, i think it successfully installed. plugin solved

but where i can find this panel on grafana dashboard ?

mo802 commented 3 years ago

i have found it but with a signature error !! plugin sign error

how could i solve this

Garridus commented 3 years ago

Edit grafana.ini allow_loading_unsigned_plugins Enter a comma-separated list of plugin identifiers to identify plugins to load even if they are unsigned.

[plugins] enable_alpha = true

;app_tls_skip_verify_insecure = false

Enter a comma-separated list of plugin identifiers to identify plugins that are allowed to be loa>

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = geekrus-mqtt-panel

Enable or disable installing plugins directly from within Grafana.

plugin_admin_enabled = false ;plugin_admin_external_manage_enabled = false ;plugin_catalog_url =

mo802 commented 3 years ago

sorry i'm totally beginner to this. i'd be so grateful if you clarify more how to do that! i'm searching on how to edit grafana.ini but i found "INI customizations are not available under the Free version" !!!

Garridus commented 3 years ago


mo802 commented 3 years ago

ok i opened it ini file grafana

what should i do next ?

Garridus commented 3 years ago

uncommnet and add: allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = geekrus-mqtt-panel

mo802 commented 3 years ago

i know that uncomment is to delete the ; char .. so, what is the line i should to uncomment ?!

Garridus commented 3 years ago


mo802 commented 3 years ago

aha ok , i made it . just save and restart grafana ? or there are any other configuration steps ??

Garridus commented 3 years ago

Only restart

mo802 commented 3 years ago

i get the same error message ! plugin sign error

mo802 commented 3 years ago

that's my grafana.ini ini

Garridus commented 3 years ago


mo802 commented 3 years ago

right. the plugin is added correctly. i'm really so grateful for your help. the only last thing is how to connect it to my switch. i'm using a sonoff switch flashed with tasmota firmware. i should change the server ip and the subscribe and publish topic, right? grafana switch server

FlorianMESSINA commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I'm using docker in order to test mqtt-panel plugin : docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=;mqtt-panel" --name=grafana grafana/grafana

I don't see the plugin in grafana, never ....

Someone could help me please ?

using : v8.5.0 grafana
