geeksLabTech / epidemic-classification-ml-project

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Paper interesantes para revisar #1

Closed Lia001218 closed 1 year ago

Lia001218 commented 1 year ago Analysis model of the most important factors in Covid-19 through data mining, descriptive statistics and random forest Esta gente usan un algoritmo de ML para identificar en un dataset las variables que son mas importantes y obtener un dataset mas limpio y con menor cantidad de ruindo

Lia001218 commented 1 year ago Artificial Intelligence Applications in Tracking Health Behaviors During Disease Epidemics Util si el objetivo es predecir cual es el conjunto de medidas dada una nfermedad determinada

Lia001218 commented 1 year ago Artificial Intelligence Forecasting of Covid-19 in China Util dependiendo del objetivo, predicen la dinamica de contagio del covid

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

COVID-19 Future Forecasting Using Supervised Machine Learning Models

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

A profcient approach to forecast COVID‑19 spread via optimized dynamic machine learning models

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

Supervised Machine Learning Models for Prediction of COVID‑19 Infection using Epidemiology Dataset

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

Modified SEIR and AI prediction of the epidemics trend of COVID-19 in China under public health interventions*12kkfo2*_ga*MTE4MTAwMDI4Mi4xNjc4MTY4NDMy*_ga_H7P4ZT52H5*MTY3ODM5ODk4MC43LjEuMTY3ODQwMDM2OS4wLjAuMA..

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

AI-Driven Tools for Coronavirus Outbreak: Need of Active Learning and Cross-Population Train/Test Models on Multitudinal/Multimodal Data

maux96 commented 1 year ago

A Deep Learning Framework for COVID Outbreak Prediction

maux96 commented 1 year ago

Infectious disease outbreak prediction using media articles with machine learning models

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

Eir: A Python Package for Epidemic Simulation*13ynyfy*_ga*MTE4MTAwMDI4Mi4xNjc4MTY4NDMy*_ga_H7P4ZT52H5*MTY3ODQxMzcyMy4xMC4xLjE2Nzg0MTYxNDkuMC4wLjA.

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

nosoi: A stochastic agent‐based transmission chain simulation framework in r

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

Hospital preparedness during epidemics using simulation: the case of COVID-19

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

A Simulation Study of Coronavirus as an Epidemic Disease Using Agent-Based Modeling.

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

June: open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

Likelihood-Based Inference for Partially Observed Epidemics on Dynamic Networks

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

A new virus-centric epidemic modeling approach, 1: General theory and machine learning simulation of 2020 SARS Cov 2 (COVID-19) for Belgium, France, Italy, and Spain

DanielUH2019 commented 1 year ago

COVID-19 Spread in Saudi Arabia: Modeling, Simulation and Analysis*15xs124*_ga*MTE4MTAwMDI4Mi4xNjc4MTY4NDMy*_ga_H7P4ZT52H5*MTY3ODQyMDc3NC4xMS4xLjE2Nzg0MjU5MDUuMC4wLjA.

DianeCM commented 1 year ago

COVID-19 Pandemic Prediction for Hungary; A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach

DianeCM commented 1 year ago

Supervised Learning Models for the Preliminary Detection of COVID-19 in Patients Using Demographic and Epidemiological Parameters

SergiPantoja commented 1 year ago

Algunas cosas interesantes

JavierOramas commented 1 year ago

hacen modelacion de epidemia de influenza utilizando grupos de edades y usan unas formulas de probabilidad para sacar los contactos

JavierOramas commented 1 year ago

We propose an epidemic-model-based tensor deconvolution framework in which the spatiotemporal patterns of social contact are represented by the factors of the tensors.