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Miguel Costa - Define Semantic HTML #11

Open Painatalman opened 4 years ago

Painatalman commented 4 years ago

Define Semantic HTML


A (somewhat) practical introduction to HTML practices to give elements their proper meaning. In this talk, you'll learn why "Semantic HTML" is now more relevant than ever, and also how it can make your pages and apps more navigable, accessible and informative.

Speaker Bio

I'm Miguel Costa. I'm a "fail-stack" web developer that specialized in front-end development. My goals are to become a tech writer, a gaming historian, and to learn more about this "new" trend called HTML.

My greatest achievement is coining the term "Fidget Origami" (probably)!


tjgfernandes commented 4 years ago

@Painatalman can you please provide a guideline for the talk? suggestion: 30min talk + 15min QA would be a nice format (maybe have some requirements that people could install and follow the presentation by doing same examples on their side?). Planning to do this talk online or later in some place?

Painatalman commented 4 years ago

@tjgfernandes First of all, thank you so much for your feedback!

@Painatalman can you please provide a guideline for the talk? suggestion: 30min talk + 15min QA would be a nice format

Thank you for your suggestion, and I think it fits perfectly. 30 minutes with 10/15 minutes is ideal for this talk. For the structure of the talk itself, I'm trying to organize the talk in chapters:

  1. Why Semantics on the web (and why now) - the motivations behind its origin and its "modern" popularity
  2. "Semantic" HTML elements - what do they "mean" - an introduction to html elements with semantic meanings (like "address" and "article"), with simple and practical examples
  3. What next? - A brief conclusion, with some overall suggestions and tips to increase awareness towards semantics on the web

(maybe have some requirements that people could install and follow the presentation by doing same examples on their side?)

Another great suggestion, although I'll admit that this talk had a more expository nature

Planning to do this talk online or later in some place?

There aren't any concrete plans yet, but I'm willing to present it to whoever's interested :)