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Marco Freitas - Vertical slice architecture overview #16

Open MarcolinoPT opened 1 year ago

MarcolinoPT commented 1 year ago

Vertical slice architecture overview


Most of us have heard the term "Clean Architecture" in an article, at a conference, or on some webinar. It has become somewhat of an industry standard to adhere to this architecture style as a best practice and use it on your projects. There are a couple of approaches out there, one of them being the Vertical Slice Architecture (VSA) aka Features Folders approach. How about we take a sneak peek at what makes VSA a feasible approach and why should you care? Let's have a quick glance and compare it with a classical monolithic N-tier approach and what value it delivers at the end of the day.

Speaker Bio

Remote software developer, from the sunny Algarve, with 12 years of experience. Works a full-stack, is capable of dabbling in DevOps, and is a remote work endorser. Experienced with .NET and JavaScript, enjoys being part of a cross-functional team that does not endorse fungible roles. Prefers working with agile software development. His motto is to keep it simple and sensible.


Extra Information

My idea is to talk about VSA and how it is a clean, feasible, and simple approach as an architectural style compared to traditional N-tier architecture. The code would be in C#, I would go through an intro to N-tier, clean architecture points, and then VSA. Show the code based on my own repo and we can even go for a quick live demo. The idea is to focus on the problems it solves and the simplicity of adhering to the concept of CQRS and how it solves problems like onboarding or cognitive load.