geeksville / Micro-RTSP

A RTSP video server intended for very small CPUs (ESP32 etc)
MIT License
755 stars 199 forks source link

Support for Blue Iris #10

Open Medzez opened 5 years ago

Medzez commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to make a rtsp connection from Blue Iris, but somehow Blue Iris is not able to read the stream. I guess it has something to do with the stream not being compatible.... Stream works fine in VLC... Nice project by the way....

matfromfrance commented 5 years ago

I've got the same issue, via the serial, i can read : Created streamer width=800, height=600 Creating RTSP session RTSP received DESCRIBE RTSP received SETUP RTSP received PLAY The blue iris server oper the videoflow but display a black screen, no image ... Any idea ?

mikelcq commented 5 years ago

Never get it work in 800 x 600, even in VLC. (Using AI_THINKER 2640 CAM)