geeksville / Micro-RTSP

A RTSP video server intended for very small CPUs (ESP32 etc)
MIT License
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Esp32-cam as a virtual webcam using ffmpeg v4l2loopback #32

Open EdrZero opened 4 years ago

EdrZero commented 4 years ago

Hi, first of all, excellent work on the RTSP Library for the Esp32-cam.

I'm trying to use one of these wifi cameras as a virtual webcam,and for now the simplest option is to get the RTSP stream from the camera, use ffmpeg and v4l2loopback to create a virtual /dev/video1 device.

The module works great, I can see the RTSP feed in VLC using the address rtsp:// and with the :network-caching=0 in VLC it works like a charm.

but when I use ffmpeg to send the data through the virtual device it only works for 29 seconds

this is the command that i'm using:

ffmpeg -i rtsp:// -fflags low_delay -fflags nobuffer -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -f v4l2 /dev/video1

and these is the last message before stop working frame= 288 fps= 10 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:00:29.08 bitrate=N/A speed=1.05x

I've tried with different camera resolutions but is always the same result. it dies at 29 seconds and speed =1.05

is there any way to make this work??


V45370 commented 3 years ago

Hi @EderNavarro , I am using this command: ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://" -f segment -segment_time 60 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -map 0 camera1-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.mp4

I have some broken stream recordings though. I read somewhere in other repos that this is due to some broken jpeg frames. If I found out a solution will let you know.