Closed DraconInteractive closed 4 years ago
Im seeing some evidence it may be the cam (it crashed on handle_jpg and handle_jpg_stream) as well, but not when I got '/' to just return a simple message. Will look into further. Might be an ESP-EYE issue
Okay, confirmed it was the camera! esp32config doesnt work for esp-eye. I used my pinout to make a new config, gonna put it here for anyone else that needs it.
camera_config_t espeyecam_config {
.pin_pwdn = -1,
.pin_reset = -1,
.pin_xclk = 4,
.pin_sscb_sda = 18,
.pin_sscb_scl = 23,
.pin_d7 = 36,
.pin_d6 = 37,
.pin_d5 = 38,
.pin_d4 = 39,
.pin_d3 = 35,
.pin_d2 = 14,
.pin_d1 = 13,
.pin_d0 = 34,
.pin_vsync = 5,
.pin_href = 27,
.pin_pclk = 25,
.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000,
.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0,
.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0,
.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG,
// .frame_size = FRAMESIZE_UXGA, // needs 234K of framebuffer space
// .frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SXGA, // needs 160K for framebuffer
// .frame_size = FRAMESIZE_XGA, // needs 96K or even smaller FRAMESIZE_SVGA - can work if using only 1 fb
.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA,
.jpeg_quality = 12, //0-63 lower numbers are higher quality
.fb_count = 2 // if more than one i2s runs in continous mode. Use only with jpeg
Worth noting that with its added PSRAM, esp-eye could probs use UXGA (I was using it earlier when using the esp_cam library). Gonna close the ticket now, hope this helps someone else!
Im getting LoadProhibited Guru Meditation error when creating a streamer (code here, line 453). Research is telling me that im accessing ineligible memory? (new to C++, experienced C#, so can code but memory management is a new area for me)
Not sure what im doing wrong? Board is the ESP-EYE, arduino framework in PlatformIO VSCode IDE. I know its the streamer creation because its printing "Accepting client", but not "Created streamer".
Thanks for any help!
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