geeksville / Micro-RTSP

A RTSP video server intended for very small CPUs (ESP32 etc)
MIT License
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How to "broadcast" IP address? #34

Open bbence84 opened 3 years ago

bbence84 commented 3 years ago

How do commercial IP cams solve that you can add their IP cams to an app, and then that IP cam is accessible from anywhere in the world? I mean that the IP address to which network the IP cam is connected to can change, and also such IP cams don't require that you configure port forwarding on the router, etc. What is the trick? :) Thanks!

adri6412 commented 3 years ago

Probably they are using their own cloud infrastracture. They send your camera stream to one of their servers and make it available on the app, so if anything in your network changes it doesn't matter because the app is connecting to their cloud servers not your camera directly.