geelen / shellac

Coat your shell scripts in something a bit more beautiful
MIT License
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Relative paths #9

Closed geelen closed 3 years ago

geelen commented 3 years ago

Now, this works:

await shellac`
  // Change directory for the duration of the block:
  in ${__dirname} {
    $ pwd
    stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(__dirname)}

  // By default we run in process.cwd()
  $ pwd
  stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(process.cwd())}

  // Relative paths work too:
  $ mkdir -p subdir
  in ./subdir {
    $ pwd
    stdout >> ${(cwd) => expect(cwd).toBe(path.join(process.cwd(), 'subdir'))}

    $ mkdir -p nesting-ok
    in "nesting-ok" {
      $ pwd
      stdout >> ${(cwd) =>
        expect(cwd).toBe(path.join(process.cwd(), 'subdir', 'nesting-ok'))}