geerlingguy / ansible-role-docker_arm

Ansible Role - Docker for ARM and Pi
MIT License
98 stars 29 forks source link

New 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS Uses different docker_version #10

Closed geerlingguy closed 4 years ago

geerlingguy commented 4 years ago

With the current defaults I get:

TASK [geerlingguy.docker_arm : Make sure Docker CE is the version specified.] *************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=false 
  cache_update_time: 1590673060
  cache_updated: false
  msg: |-
    '/usr/bin/apt-get -y -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold"   --force-yes   install 'docker-ce=5:19.03.8~3-0~raspbian-buster'' failed: W: --force-yes is deprecated, use one of the options starting with --allow instead.
    E: Version '5:19.03.8~3-0~raspbian-buster' for 'docker-ce' was not found
  rc: 100
  stderr: |-
    W: --force-yes is deprecated, use one of the options starting with --allow instead.
    E: Version '5:19.03.8~3-0~raspbian-buster' for 'docker-ce' was not found
  stderr_lines: <omitted>
  stdout: |-
    Reading package lists...
    Building dependency tree...
    Reading state information...
  stdout_lines: <omitted>

For the 64-bit distro it looks like we can just use the ARM64 build for Debian:

# apt search docker
docker-ce/buster,now 5:19.03.9~3-0~debian-buster arm64 [installed]
  Docker: the open-source application container engine

docker-ce-cli/buster,now 5:19.03.9~3-0~debian-buster arm64 [installed,automatic]
  Docker CLI: the open-source application container engine