geerlingguy / arm-nas

Arm NAS configuration with ZFS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Set up ZFS Replication to a second NAS #10

Closed geerlingguy closed 4 months ago

geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

I would like to configure my Raspberry Pi 5 NAS (running on a 2.5 Gbps network connection) as a replication target for ZFS, so I have two local copies of all my important data.

It currently has 4x 8 TB SSDs (32TB raw capacity, 24TB in RAIDZ1), so I hope that's enough to replicate the dataset. Right now:

jgeerling@nas01:~$ zpool list
hddpool   109T  16.8T  92.4T        -         -     0%    15%  1.00x    ONLINE  -

(And I'm considering setting up a script to transcode all my old ProRes RAW footage down to H.265 so that would probably save another 10TB or so! Would take months to transcode, lol.

Task list

geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

Finished #3 for now, updating the task list in the OP.

geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

After the initial replication completes, the dataset exists on the backup server, and I can log in via smb, but it is not automatically mounted, so I can't browse the contents (even readonly):

pi@nas02:/ssdpool/backup/jupiter $ zfs get mounted ssdpool/backup/jupiter
NAME                    PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
ssdpool/backup/jupiter  mounted   no       -
pi@nas02:/ssdpool/backup/jupiter $ zfs get mountpoint ssdpool/backup/jupiter
NAME                    PROPERTY    VALUE                    SOURCE
ssdpool/backup/jupiter  mountpoint  /ssdpool/backup/jupiter  default
pi@nas02:/ssdpool/backup/jupiter $ zfs get canmount ssdpool/backup/jupiter
NAME                    PROPERTY  VALUE     SOURCE
ssdpool/backup/jupiter  canmount  on        default

To mount it, then:

sudo zfs mount ssdpool/backup/jupiter
geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

For syncoid / sanoid snapshot pruning on the Pi (the target), I would like to have it basically stay in sync with the source (HL15). I was looking around and all the older posts mentioned it's not something syncoid can manage, and people had all sorts of solutions, from configuring sanoid on the target to prune snapshots, to building their own ZFS snapshot management scripts they'd call on cron.

The danger with some of those techniques is you could easily get out of sync with the source.

Luckily, it looks like last year the option was added, which adds the --delete-target-snapshots option. Hopefully that's present on the Debian 12 apt package version of syncoid :D

geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

I was checking on sanoid on the HL15 and found:

jgeerling@nas01:~$ sudo sanoid --monitor-snapshots
FATAL: cannot load /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf - please create a valid local config file before running sanoid! at /usr/sbin/sanoid line 818.
jgeerling@nas01:~$ sudo sanoid --monitor-snapshots
CRIT: hddpool/jupiter's newest daily snapshot is 2d 12h 26m 48s old (should be < 1d 8h 0m 0s), CRIT: hddpool/jupiter's newest hourly snapshot is 2d 12h 26m 48s old (should be < 6h 0m 0s)

The template had some formatting issues due to Ansible's YAML formatting, it seems — the ini sections were on the same line as some comments. Oops. Fixed that and now it looks like snapshots may work correctly again. Going to wait an hour and see if all the snapshots are in sync between HL15 and Pi.

geerlingguy commented 4 months ago


pi@nas02:/ssdpool $ /usr/sbin/syncoid --sshkey=/home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa_zfs --recursive --no-privilege-elevation --delete-target-snapshots ssdpool/backup/jupiter
Unknown option: delete-target-snapshots

Looks like Debian has version 2.1.0:

pi@nas02:/ssdpool $ syncoid -v
/usr/sbin/syncoid version 2.1.0
(Getopt::Long::GetOptions version 2.52; Perl version 5.36.0)

And even 2.2.0 is slightly older than the version in Git, meaning isn't included in any stable release yet. D'oh! I'll have to configure sanoid on the target I guess?

geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

Everything seems to be working well now, I'll have to monitor things for the next few days to see if hourlies are cleaned up after a day...

pi@nas02:/ssdpool $ crontab -l
#Ansible: Nightly syncoid replication task.
13 7 * * * /usr/sbin/syncoid --sshkey=/home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa_zfs --recursive --no-privilege-elevation ssdpool/backup/jupiter

pi@nas02:/ssdpool $ zfs list -t snapshot
NAME                                                                 USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-27_03:15:00_monthly            0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-27_03:15:00_daily              0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-27_03:15:00_hourly             0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@syncoid_nas02_2024-04-29:09:09:59-GMT-05:00     0B      -  10.9T  -

pi@nas02:/ssdpool $ /usr/sbin/syncoid --sshkey=/home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa_zfs --recursive --no-privilege-elevation ssdpool/backup/jupiter
Sending incremental hddpool/jupiter@syncoid_nas02_2024-04-29:09:09:59-GMT-05:00 ... syncoid_nas02_2024-04-29:11:03:27-GMT-05:00 (~ 650.7 MB):
 651MiB 0:00:05 [ 126MiB/s] [========================================================================>] 100%            

pi@nas02:/ssdpool $ zfs list -t snapshot
NAME                                                                 USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-27_03:15:00_monthly            0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-27_03:15:00_daily              0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-27_03:15:00_hourly             0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-29_15:45:01_daily              0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-29_15:45:01_hourly             0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@autosnap_2024-04-29_16:00:01_hourly             0B      -  10.9T  -
ssdpool/backup/jupiter@syncoid_nas02_2024-04-29:11:03:27-GMT-05:00     0B      -  10.9T  -
geerlingguy commented 4 months ago

This seems to be working well enough for now. Broke out monitoring to #12.