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Figure out replacement for neofetch #45

Closed geerlingguy closed 1 month ago

geerlingguy commented 1 month ago

Currently I use neofetch to grab a quick friendly-looking overview of the hardware for each system:

Neofetch is not maintained, however, so I should pick an alternative before it starts breaking on newer systems.

I like the idea of fastfetch, but it's not just an apt install away. I like a tool I can pop on quickly, even over SSH, and copying and pasting wget commands and changing version numbers for .deb releases is annoying.

Is there another tool that's in the Debian repos (and ideally somewhat universal, also easy to install on Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) that replaces neofetch's functionality?

Atropa-Solanaceae commented 1 month ago

I've since shifted to employing screenfetch to my systems:

It has an apt repo for debian, dnf for fedora, aur for arch and so on and so forth, all listed under the install tab on their wiki:

It looks pretty snazzy too! Very similar to neofetch and very customizable -- and still maintained.

geerlingguy commented 1 month ago

Indeed, not hard to install and use at all!

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 3 45 13 PM
geerlingguy commented 1 month ago

There we go!