geerlingguy / turing-pi-cluster

DEPRECATED - Turing Pi cluster configuration for Raspberry Pi Compute Modules
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2 master k3s kubernates #25

Closed tjengbudi closed 4 years ago

tjengbudi commented 4 years ago

i try 2 master with kubernates but looks like it is not working. i might got wrong with configuration

is this possible with k3s kuberates to have 2 master? looking solution if master is down.


geerlingguy commented 4 years ago

It is possible to have multiple masters with K3s, but it's a more advanced feature and this particular repository doesn't cover the use case specifically... at least not at this time. I'd ask about any issues you're having setting up multi-master K3s installations over in the GitHub repository for that project:

Or if you want to have it be supported by the K3s Ansible playbook, there's an issue for that possibility here:

bobhenkel commented 4 years ago

I’m late to the game on this but thought it might help someone.

I’m new to k3s but not other Kubernetes distributions like eks, gke, kops, and kubeadm. Your typical Kubernetes requires odd number masters to form a proper quorum. So 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. 3 and 5 are typically the sweet spot for most high availability clusters. The larger the controller/master count the more overhead there is to manage the quorum so there’s a point where it would be in slow motion. With etcd at-least 7 and 9 are in the 1 percent of users need that category. K8s docs have sizing and I believe k3s does as well based on your worker node count typically. I’ve never tried even numbers but their not supported by the design of the data store( etcd), but with k3s non etcd data stores is I’m not sure, but I doubt as it more of a math problem that probably holds up regardless of data store.