geerlingguy / youtube

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Add 'conflict of interest' template to my videos, maybe? #8

Open geerlingguy opened 11 months ago

geerlingguy commented 11 months ago

I've been thinking about adding an at-a-glance 'conflict of interest' statement to the front of each video, as a translucent overlay, similar to how boxes of cereal have started adding at-a-glance 'nutrition facts' to the front of boxes so it's easier to see what you're getting on store shelves:

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 4 38 29 PM

(Aside: Yowza! Lots of sugar in most cereals...)

I think it might even be a nice thing to contribute to the creator economy—a way of indicating what sort of conflict of interest you may be receiving on a given video.

My initial idea is to have three circular icons, with a word underneath:

Something like that... but basically to make it more explicit when a video your watching might have certain conflicts of interest a consumer should know about. And even though free products are seen as liabilities by most larger creators (you have to deal with the product, it is not like "ooh I got this free box I can store for the next 20 years!"), there is a different incentive structure vs something like Project Farm, where he buys everything he reviews with cash!

timothystewart6 commented 11 months ago

I really like this idea. I would totally borrow this. I struggle with how to communicate this quite a bit, I even talked about it on the Changelog podcast. It would be cool to have something that could communicate this to viewers without having to explain it every time. I like the nutritional claims idea, I use to work for General Mills so this resonates with me 😀

There's also the TV ratings logo / caption that does a decent job at communicating who it's for (just as an idea for layout) image

geerlingguy commented 11 months ago

Ah, that kind of little box could be great too — even more compact, and more akin to what you see in movie/TV ratings.