geex-arts / django-jet

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Jquery on Change not working on ChoiceField #161

Open yalit opened 7 years ago

yalit commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to attach specific display on the values of a select drop-down (multiple choice field) but it's not working. I see that it's not the select itself that is displayed but an added with the following id : select2-id_ptype-container. Using jquery .change() on the select, nothing happens (as if due to the overwrite of the display, the change on the select isn't fired)

How should I approach this?

ptype = models.IntegerField(choices=TYPE_CHOICES, verbose_name="Type de la personne")

Select généré

<select id="id_ptype" name="ptype" required>

span ajouté

<span class="select2 select2-container select2-container--jet select2-container--below" dir="ltr" style="width: auto;">
<span class="selection">
    <span class="select2-selection select2-selection--single" role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="select2-id_ptype-container">
        <span class="select2-selection__rendered" id="select2-id_ptype-container" title="Type1">Type1</span><span class="select2-selection__arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b>

zodman commented 6 years ago

EY ey!! im investing this issue.... First:

at this moment the django-jet@dev its broken with django.jQuery because its not defined. issues related this:

that was intruduce by this commit:

@Ismael-VC try to fix the select problem. To fix this issue and the django.jQuery error the correct solution its with:


zodman commented 6 years ago

@Ismael-VC @SalahAdDin you are the most involved in django-jet checking the issues and PR plz check this and give me the approved with +1

SalahAdDin commented 6 years ago

@zodman, which one?

zodman commented 6 years ago

@SalahAdDin this comment

emukans commented 6 years ago

I added custom select box to dashboard header and found this issue. This is what I did.

  1. Applied @arbak fix. In admin/base.html.
  2. Then I've encountered "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" issue.

Solution using JQuery (Could be done without it as well, of course). Issue happens because of infinite recursive function call. Just select your select box and on change event stop propagation. This is an example.

jQuery('#my-select-box').on('change', function(e){

  // needed actions
SalahAdDin commented 6 years ago

@emukans, @zodman, yes, this is a common error, if I'm not mistaken, that's why these code is using here.

gabrielponto commented 6 years ago

I was having this problem with custom pages. To fix, I added two javascript files to extrahead section on template:

{% block extrahead %}
    {{ block.super }}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'admin/js/vendor/jquery/jquery.js' %}"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'admin/js/jquery.init.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}

Ps: Adding only the jquery.init.js file generate the error Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. So I added jquery.js on top and all works. These files comes from Django code base.

SalahAdDin commented 6 years ago

@gabrielponto Ok, but, what is the problem behind this bug?

yevheniidehtiar commented 5 years ago

Why this 3-years old bug is not fixed today??? I have it on last version 1.0.8

SalahAdDin commented 5 years ago

Because @f1nality , the first author, left it.

thyagotosin commented 5 years ago


Xednom commented 5 years ago

Is there any chances that this bug will be fixed, although it has been 3 yrs ago.

itaisir commented 5 years ago

remove the line in select.js

$select.on('change', function(e) {
      //      django.jQuery($select.get(0)).trigger(e);

and make sure to create new bundle

SalahAdDin commented 5 years ago

all PR are well received.

fergyfresh commented 5 years ago

Just saw this one on version 1.0.8

fergyfresh commented 5 years ago
Uncaught TypeError: django.jQuery is not a function
    at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:1)
    at HTMLSelectElement.dispatch (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:9)
    at HTMLSelectElement.m.handle (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:9)
    at Object.trigger (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:9)
    at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:9)
    at Function.each (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:8)
    at ot.fn.init.each (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:7)
    at ot.fn.init.trigger (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:9)
    at (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:12)
    at o.<anonymous> (bundle.min.js?v=1.0.8:12)
SalahAdDin commented 5 years ago

Never solved.

fergyfresh commented 5 years ago

@SalahAdDin this PR works for me.

shihyuuuuuuu commented 2 years ago

@SalahAdDin this PR works for me.

Thanks a lot, you saved my day.