geez0x1 / CompliantJointToolbox

Compliant Joint Toolbox (CJT) for MATLAB and Simulink
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 14 forks source link

Failing unit tests in dev_doc #50

Closed geez0x1 closed 6 years ago

geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

ans =

  5×6 table

                          Name                          Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    ________________________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtJointBuilderTest/testNoFrictionModels'          true      false     false          0.35604    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtJointBuilderTest/testCoulombModels'             true      false     false           0.4606    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtJointBuilderTest/testMultipleNonlinearTerms'    true      false     false          0.28639    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtJointBuilderTest/testInputParameters'           true      false     false         0.092067    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtJointBuilderTest/testElectricalSubsystem'       true      false     false          0.26112    [1×1 struct]


ans =

  4×6 table

                           Name                           Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    __________________________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtGenericJointTest/testBuiltJoint'                  true      false     false         0.13926     [1×1 struct]
    'cjtGenericJointTest/testConversionSymNum'            true      false     false           5.934     [1×1 struct]
    'cjtGenericJointTest/testSymbolicStateSpace'          true      false     false          3.5677     [1×1 struct]
    'cjtGenericJointTest/testSymbolicTransferFunction'    true      false     false          10.294     [1×1 struct]


ans =

  1×6 table

                          Name                          Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    ________________________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve'    false     true      true          79.29       [1×1 struct]


ans =

  2×6 table

                 Name                 Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    ______________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtBodeTest/testBasicPlot'       true      false     false         1.5247      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtBodeTest/testResamplePlot'    true      false     false         1.4881      [1×1 struct]


ans =

  1×6 table

                Name                 Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    _____________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtBode2Test/testBasicPlots'    true      false     false         1.5139      [1×1 struct]


ans =

  9×6 table

                     Name                      Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    _______________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testBuiltJoint'    false     true      true          11.287      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_02'    false     true      true          5.8004      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_03'    false     true      true           1.745      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_04'    false     true      true          3.0596      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_05'    false     true      true          2.4879      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_06'    false     true      true           4.567      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_07'    false     true      true          2.3533      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_08'    false     true      true          4.0973      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_09'    false     true      true          3.0231      [1×1 struct]


ans =

  4×6 table

                    Name                     Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    _____________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtChecksumTest/testLoremIpsumArray'    false     true      false           1.1672    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtChecksumTest/testLoremIpsumFile'     false     true      false          0.26024    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtChecksumTest/testMagic10Array'       false     true      false           0.3221    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtChecksumTest/testMagic10File'        true      false     false         0.023008    [1×1 struct]

Passed:     13
Failed:     13
Incomplete: 10
joernmalzahn commented 6 years ago

ans =

  4×6 table

                    Name                     Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    _____________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtChecksumTest/testLoremIpsumArray'    false     true      false           1.1672    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtChecksumTest/testLoremIpsumFile'     false     true      false          0.26024    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtChecksumTest/testMagic10Array'       false     true      false           0.3221    [1×1 struct]
    'cjtChecksumTest/testMagic10File'        true      false     false         0.023008    [1×1 struct]

Passed:     13
Failed:     13
Incomplete: 10

This one might be the most consequential fail. If the checksum is not computed correctly, the remaining fails might not be meaningful. Unfortunateley, I cannot reproduce these on my machine. They all pass. Interestingly all but one seem to fail on yours. It might be a version issue and related to the way the checksums are computed. Let's look into that together.


ans =

  9×6 table

                     Name                      Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    _______________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testBuiltJoint'    false     true      true          11.287      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_02'    false     true      true          5.8004      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_03'    false     true      true           1.745      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_04'    false     true      true          3.0596      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_05'    false     true      true          2.4879      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_06'    false     true      true           4.567      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_07'    false     true      true          2.3533      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_08'    false     true      true          4.0973      [1×1 struct]
    'cjtSimulinkLibraryTest/testExample_09'    false     true      true          3.0231  

They fail on my machine as well. These fail, because we have not yet updated the checksums after updating model files, right?


ans =

  1×6 table

                          Name                          Passed    Failed    Incomplete    Duration      Details   
    ________________________________________________    ______    ______    __________    ________    ____________

    'cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve'    false     true      true          79.29       [1×1 struct]

It passes on my machine. Two theories about that one: a) The problem of checksums not being computed properly. b) Inkscape and / or tex compiler not properly set-up. I should write a script / guide that helps with that.

Can you please provide more infos by running this one: runtests('cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve')

geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

Another point is the following:

Warning: The character encoding windows-1252 used by model 'simulinkBlockLibraryTest' differs from the MATLAB session
character encoding UTF-8. To check for problems which might corrupt the model use the "Simulink Model File Integrity"
checks in the Model Advisor. 

That character encoding is absurd, UTF-8 is the way to go. However, this should not have an effect, but with MATLAB you never know..

I had a look at the checksumTest ones first though, if that doesn't work everything else will fail as well like you mentioned. I can confirm that the checksum computed by MATLAB for the file is correct:

wesley@machine:/somepath/CompliantJointToolbox$ md5sum tmp_cjt_compute_checksum.txt 
93b6b07e10265782dc1b41930b19352c  tmp_cjt_compute_checksum.txt

which is the same md5 hash that MATLAB computes. Could you:

geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

checksumTest now fixed (see referenced issue)

geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

Full output from runtests('cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve'):

Joint built and written to /data/nextCloud/IIT/SEA_control/CompliantJointToolbox/build/cjt_Orange_80_6000_full_dyn.m
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more
information, click here. 

h = 

  Surface (t_{max} [s] to max. temperature) with properties:

       EdgeColor: [0 0 0]
       LineStyle: '-'
       FaceColor: 'flat'
    FaceLighting: 'flat'
       FaceAlpha: 1
           XData: [100×101 double]
           YData: [100×101 double]
           ZData: [100×101 double]
           CData: [100×101 double]

  Show all properties

Datasheet compilation failed. See compiler output for details: 
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by pdflatex)
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Datasheet compilation failed. See compiler output for details: 
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by pdflatex)
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Datasheet compilation failed. See compiler output for details: 
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by pdflatex)
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Error occurred in cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve and it did not run to completion.

    Error ID:

    Error Details:
    Error using copyfile
    cp: cannot stat '/data/nextCloud/IIT/SEA_control/CompliantJointToolbox/cjtdsheet.pdf': No such file or directory

    Error in dataSheetGenerator/generateDataSheet (line 1189)

    Error in cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest>testTorqueSpeedCurve (line 140)
Done cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest

Failure Summary:

     Name                                            Failed  Incomplete  Reason(s)
     cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve    X         X       Errored.

ans = 

  TestResult with properties:

          Name: 'cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve'
        Passed: 0
        Failed: 1
    Incomplete: 1
      Duration: 72.5485
       Details: [1×1 struct]

   0 Passed, 1 Failed, 1 Incomplete.
   72.5485 seconds testing time.

The problem originates here:

pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by pdflatex)
pdflatex: /home/wesley/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

It looks like MATLAB is trying to use some outdated stdc++ library that it includes itself, which clashes with my system. I'm not sure why it's trying to do that though, since obviously stdc++ is present on the system.

geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

Apparently this issue has been around for 6+ years. Latest thread I could find on it confirms my suspicion:

I'm not sure how to fix it for our users; perhaps a warning will suffice, which I have now added and will commit in a moment:

Warning: If the above error references libstdc++, this issue arises due to MATLAB including libraries which are too old for your system. Try removing the following symlinks:
- /MATLAB/sys/os/glnxa64/
- /MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/
See also:
geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

After fixing the issue, there are still LaTeX compilation issues on my system. I would guess due to missing LaTeX packages?

Datasheet compilation failed. See compiler output for details: 
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 9 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: cjtdsheet 2016/10/02 version 0.1 CompliantJointToolbox Datashee
(./cjtdsheet.cfg) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
No file cjtdsheet.aux.
*geometry* driver: auto-detecting
*geometry* detected driver: pdftex
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/epstopdf-base.sty
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6--7

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 50--50
[]|\T1/cmr/m/n/10 Nm

Overfull \hbox (2.44548pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 50--51

Overfull \hbox (4.21404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 96--96
[]|\T1/cmr/m/n/10 rad/Nms| 

Overfull \hbox (2.44548pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 96--97
[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/} <./torqueSpeedCurve.pdf>]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:TorqueSpeedCurve' on page 2 undefined on input li
ne 114.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:EfficiencyCurve' on page 2 undefined on input lin
e 137.

[2 <./efficiencyCurve.pdf>]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:ThermalCharacteristics' on page 3 undefined on in
put line 153.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:ThermalCharacteristics' on page 3 undefined on in
put line 155.

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ ...h {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}}

l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\text@ ...e {\textdef@ \displaystyle \f@size {#1}}
                                                  {\textdef@ \textstyle \f@s...
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ ...h {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}}

l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\text@ ...xtstyle \f@size {\firstchoice@false #1}}
                                                  {\textdef@ \textstyle \sf@...
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ ...h {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}}

l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\text@ ...tstyle \sf@size {\firstchoice@false #1}}
                                                  {\textdef@ \textstyle \ssf...
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\textdef@ ...h {#1}\let \f@size #2\selectfont #3}}

l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\text@ \ssf@size {\firstchoice@false #1}}
                                                  \check@mathfonts }
l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
\text@ ...firstchoice@false #1}}\check@mathfonts }

l.155 ...ambient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}
                                                  }}$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$....

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
l.155 ...mbient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}}
                                                  }$C) to $\symTmpWindMax$. ...

! Extra }, or forgotten $.
l.155 ...bient temperature ($25\:{^{\text{\circ}}}
                                                  $C) to $\symTmpWindMax$. I...

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

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<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing { inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing { inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing { inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.161 \end{multicols}

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:TorqueSpeedCurve' on page 3 undefined on input li
ne 169.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:TorqueBandwidthLocked' on page 3 undefined on inp
ut line 171.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `sec:ThermalChar' on page 3 undefined on input line 17

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:TorqueBandwidthLoad' on page 3 undefined on input
 line 173.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:TorqueBandwidthLocked' on page 3 undefined on inp
ut line 173.

[3 <./thermalChar.pdf>]

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Malzahn_2017' on page 4 undefined on input line 175.

[4 <./torFreqLock.pdf>] [5 <./torFreqLoad.pdf>]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:TorqueSpeedCurve' on page 6 undefined on input li
ne 292.

No file cjtdsheet.bbl.
[6] (./cjtdsheet.aux)

LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.

LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

(see the transcript file for additional information) </home/wesley/.texlive2017
/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecti1000.600pk> </home/wesley/.texlive20
17/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecbx1200.600pk> </home/wesley/.texlive
2017/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecbx1728.600pk> </home/wesley/.texli
ve2017/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecbi1000.600pk> </home/wesley/.tex
live2017/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecrm1000.600pk> </home/wesley/.t
exlive2017/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/jknappen/ec/ecbx1000.600pk> </home/wesley/
Output written on cjtdsheet.pdf (6 pages, 1619957 bytes).
SyncTeX written on cjtdsheet.synctex.
Transcript written on cjtdsheet.log.

Warning: If the above error references libstdc++, this issue arises due to MATLAB including libraries which are too old for your system. Try removing the following symlinks:
- /MATLAB/sys/os/glnxa64/
- /MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/
See also:
geez0x1 commented 6 years ago

Indeed, the \circ thing (probably a new one added later) was the issue. New output from runtests('cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve'):

Done cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest

ans = 

  TestResult with properties:

          Name: 'cjtDataSheetGeneratorTest/testTorqueSpeedCurve'
        Passed: 1
        Failed: 0
    Incomplete: 0
      Duration: 63.3217
       Details: [1×1 struct]

   1 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete.
   63.3217 seconds testing time.
