geez0x1 / CompliantJointToolbox

Compliant Joint Toolbox (CJT) for MATLAB and Simulink
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem run a CompliantJointToolbox with matlab2018a #70

Closed Mohammed20PHD closed 5 years ago

Mohammed20PHD commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am New user for CompliantJointToolbox And I tried to run the toolbox with windows 10 matlab2018a, but I got some error as shown below Can you help me to fix this problem??

setCJTPaths Added Compliant Joint Toolbox (CJT) paths.

Run Error using jointBuilder/buildJoint (line 206) jointBuilder.buildJoint error: Nonlinear model 'coulomb' does not exist!

Error in Take_A_Tour (line 70) jb.buildJoint ( 'example_params' , ... parameters from example_params.m

cjtExamples Reference to non-existent field 'activeListbox'.

Error in cjtExamples>localRun_callback (line 267) listboxTag = get(fig_handles.activeListbox,'Tag');

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Take_A_Tour Added Compliant Joint Toolbox (CJT) paths.

%% Motor parameters % Save these lines in example_params.m % for later use in other examples. % % Motor rotor inertia [kg m^2] params.('I_m') = 9.407000e-02;
% Motor Damping [Nms/rad] params.('d_m') = 2.188643e-03; % Torque constant [Nm/A] params.('k_t') = 4.100000e-02;

%% Gear parameters % Gear transmission ratio [.] params.('n') = 100;

%% Sensor parameters % Sensor inertia [kg m^2] params.('I_l') = 1.137000e-04; % Sensor stiffness [Nm/rad] params.('k_b') = 21000;

jb =

jointBuilder with properties:

       buildDir: '..\results'
      overwrite: 0
       basePath: 'C:\Users\mal\MATLAB\CompliantJointToolbox-master\CompliantJointToolbox-master'
nonlinModelPath: 'C:\Users\mal\MATLAB\CompliantJointToolbox-master\CompliantJointToolbox-master\model\nonlinear'
   linModelPath: 'C:\Users\mal\MATLAB\CompliantJointToolbox-master\CompliantJointToolbox-master\model\linear'

Error using jointBuilder/buildJoint (line 206) jointBuilder.buildJoint error: Nonlinear model 'coulomb' does not exist!

Error in Take_A_Tour (line 70) jb.buildJoint ( 'example_params' , ... parameters from example_params.m

geez0x1 commented 5 years ago

Dear Mohammed, thanks for reporting your issue. Let's see if we can find the cause. As far as I can see you are dealing with two issues:

Let's focus on the first one first. Can you verify that the following file exists in your CJT installation: models/nonlinear/coulomb.m? I assume you are on the master branch? Lastly, if the file exists, please post the output of help coulomb.

With regards to the second, I can reproduce your issue. For the time being you can work around it by clicking an item in both select boxes before choosing "Open Example". I'll try to push an update for that soon; the corresponding issue can be found in #71.

Mohammed20PHD commented 5 years ago

Dear Dr. RoozingThank you for your reply, I checked the file in the path  models/nonlinear/coulomb.m and I found the file. In the attached file below Best Regards

%COULOMB Calculate Coulomb friction torques % % [ tau, y ] = coulomb(jointObj, x) % % jointObj is the instance of the joint class object for which this % function has been called. % % % Inputs:: % x: state vector depending on the model type as % x = [q_m; q_g; q_l; q_m_dot; q_g_dot, q_l_dot']; full_dyn % x = [q_g, q_l, q_g_dot, q_l_dot]' rigid_gearbox % x = [q_m, q_g, q_l, q_m_dot, q_g_dot]' output_fixed % x = [q_g, q_l, q_g_dot]' output_fixed_rigid_gearbox % x = [q_g, q_g_dot]' rigid % % Outputs:: % tau: friction torque % y: output components % % Notes:: % % % Examples:: % % Author:: % Joern Malzahn % Wesley Roozing % % See also full_dyn, coulomb_asym, viscous_asym.

% Copyright (C) 2016, by Joern Malzahn, Wesley Roozing % % This file is part of the Compliant Joint Toolbox (CJT). % % CJT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % CJT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public % License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with CJT. If not, see % % For more information on the toolbox and contact to the authors visit %

function [ tau, y ] = coulomb(obj, x)

% Preallocate coefficient vector
c = zeros(size(x));

% Build coefficient vector
if (strcmp(obj.modelName, 'full_dyn'))
    c = [0, 0, 0, obj.d_cm, obj.d_cg, obj.d_cl]';

elseif (strcmp(obj.modelName, 'rigid_gearbox'))
    c = [0, 0, obj.d_cm + obj.d_cg, obj.d_cl]';

elseif (strcmp(obj.modelName, 'output_fixed'))
    c = [0, 0, 0, obj.d_cm, obj.d_cg]';

elseif (strcmp(obj.modelName, 'output_fixed_rigid_gearbox'))
    c = [0, 0, obj.d_cm + obj.d_cg]';

elseif (strcmp(obj.modelName, 'rigid'))
    c = [0, obj.d_cm + obj.d_cg + obj.d_cl].';


% If we have values over time per variable, pad the coefficients
if (size(x,2) > 1)
    c = padarray(c, [1 size(x,2)-1], 'replicate', 'post');

% Calculate Coulomb friction torques
tau = -c .* tanh(500 * x);

% No nonlinear output components
y = zeros(7,1);


geez0x1 commented 5 years ago

Dear Mohammed, thanks for checking. If the file exists, it appears to not be found due to another reason. Can you verify the following two things:

edit: Please try pulling the latest version of the toolbox first. We have made some changes that should fix the issue you were seeing with cjtExamples, and made a few other changes that may solve your issue with coulomb not being found.

geez0x1 commented 5 years ago

@Mohammed20PHD Any updates?

Mohammed20PHD commented 5 years ago

Dear Dr. Roozing Thank you for your question I solved the problem as you recommended and the error disappeared. I want to ask you I work with QBmove advance actuator, How can I benefit from this toolbox with the QBmove actuator? any advice or recommendations

Thank you very much

Mohammed20PHD commented 5 years ago

@geez0x1 I want to ask you I work with QBmove advance actuator, How can I benefit from this toolbox with the QBmove actuator in designing a controller? any advice or recommendations

Thank you very much

joernmalzahn commented 5 years ago

@Mohammed20PHD: I have never worked with the QBmove actuator. But if you are able to communicate with it through the means Mathworks Simulink RealTime offers, then you will generally be able to deploy all controllers of the compliant joint toolbox with it.

If you do not have the chance to communicate with the actuator through this way, you can still benefit from the toolbox by creating a parameter file to generate simulation models and do simulation studies with various controllers, inputs and load conditions. Then you can prototype new controllers and simulate applications to make educated decisions on what to eventually deploy on the real hardware.

This is essentially how we work. Hope that helps.

joernmalzahn commented 5 years ago

I'll close this as it seems to be resolved.

Mohammed20PHD commented 5 years ago

@joernmalzahn Thank you very much for a nice answer, Yes, I can use the means Mathworks Simulink RealTime to work with QBmove and I will try to deploy all controller of the compliant joint toolbox with it. Best Regards