geffy / tffm

TensorFlow implementation of an arbitrary order Factorization Machine
MIT License
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Running tffm on a single core #41

Open martincousi opened 6 years ago

martincousi commented 6 years ago

I need to run multiple TFFMRegressor objects in joblib Parallel. To do so, I passed the following parameter:

                                                    device_count = {'CPU': 1, 'GPU': 0})

However, my cores do not seem to run whenever I use n_jobs=2 or higher in Parallel; my python notebook cell just hangs, never completes and my processors are not used. At n_jobs=1, everything is running fine. What am I missing? Would I better use polylearn instead for this kind of task?

martincousi commented 6 years ago

Ok it appears that passing this session_config parameter does not do anything, at least, on my machine. So, it is not needed

I was able to use Parallel in the end by:

It appears that passing a numpy.float32 value is not necessary the parameter reg.

Now, I know that my question is highly problem dependent but what are good range of values when doing a randomized search over the different parameters? My problem contains about 400 observations and I see that there are several parameters that could be tuned such as order, rank, optimizer (and its parameters), reg, etc. It even appears that batch_size and n_epochs are somewhat linked.