gegerlan / aog

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Implement arousal and perversion. #50

Open gegerlan opened 12 years ago

gegerlan commented 12 years ago

Arousal +X sp Perversion Variable 49: +Y

With the split of arousal and perversion, it now needs to be implemented.

During sex scenes, modify the players SP (Event Commands, Tab 3, Change SP....) to simulate something that would constitute arousal, e.g. a thrust. See common event 303 for how this could be done.

After the animated sequence above, end by modifying variable 49:Perversion (Event Commands, Tab 1, Control Variables....) to add or remove from the players perversion rating.

Note that repeated perverted actions will have less of an impact every time they're done. If a special sequence that modifies the perversion rating requires the same impact on the players rating every time, set variable 40 with the addition/removal to perversion and call Common Event 33.