geigerzaehler / beets-alternatives

Beets plugin to manage external files
MIT License
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ebmedart doesn't seem to work #69

Open JOJ0 opened 1 year ago

JOJ0 commented 1 year ago

What do I need to configure for convert and alternatives plugin to make my FLAC files in the alternative version embeded with art? As far as I understood the docs, it should be default. I've set embedart: yes in my convert config stanza but still my encoded alternative version mp3 files don't have coverart embeded.

Thanks and sorry for being brief. If you think it makes sense, I'll certainly deliver detailed logs, commands and so on.

JOJ0 commented 1 year ago

@geigerzaehler just a quick one: Before I have to start reading this plugins' code: See my bulletpoints. Is that the reason embedding art does not work?

wisp3rwind commented 1 year ago

Yes, I'm pretty sure that this is the problem:

geigerzaehler commented 1 year ago

As @wisp3rwind has pointed out this plugin only actively embeds album art if the art is stored as a file on disk. Otherwise, as in your case, the plugin relies on the convert plugin to extract the art and embed it in the transcoded target file. You’ve seemed to have configured convert correctly. This means that either this plugin is not using convert correctly or there is an issue with convert itself. (Maybe also a combination of both.)

@JOJ0: I’m not actively committing fixes to this project anymore. Maybe @wisp3rwind is interested in providing a fix. But I would also like to encourage you to dig into the code yourself and see if you can’t find the problem and provide a fix. I’m happy to support your contribution, answer questions and provide reviews.

wisp3rwind commented 1 year ago

@JOJ0: I’m not actively committing fixes to this project anymore. Maybe @wisp3rwind is interested in providing a fix. But I would also like to encourage you to dig into the code yourself and see if you can’t find the problem and provide a fix. I’m happy to support your contribution, answer questions and provide reviews.

Same here: I don't think I'll be able to look into this myself anytime soon (it's also not a problem that I personally encounter in my usage of beets). Happy to review a PR, though!

JOJ0 commented 1 year ago

Hi y'all, I'm actually enjoying a kind of beets coding break as well haha. Thanks for your replies and pointers. Also I found a way to suit my current needs without this plugin. Still I think it would be an essential feature. I might pick it up in the future if need be.

Thanks for maintaining a great plugin to you both!