Add a minimal version of what we usually see in DAWs, e.g., like this Ableton Live screenshot
Main audio context:
[x] basic stereo vu-meter for the destination (speaker) node (in-progress)
[x] clickable speaker icon to mute the destination (and/or context with a volume slider widget), where the icon aspect reflects to the mute state š š.
Tone.js Transport timeline:
[x] start / stop / pause buttons
"reset" button (cancel all scheduled transport events)
[x] editable text input for the current position (disable editing it when playing), maybe with a setting or another UI element to switch between different formats (e.g., bars, absolute time, etc.)
editable text (number) input for the tempo
editable text input for the beat signature
maybe display and/or control other transport properties (loop, etc.) as long as the audio widgets on the top bar are kept compact.
It is better to keep to the top bar clean with a minimal set of widgets. More timeline widgets can be added in a side panel.
Add a minimal version of what we usually see in DAWs, e.g., like this Ableton Live screenshot
Main audio context:
Tone.js Transport timeline:
It is better to keep to the top bar clean with a minimal set of widgets. More timeline widgets can be added in a side panel.