geisserf / lemon-dd

Library for Edge-valued MONoid-based decision diagrams.
Boost Software License 1.0
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Uniform treatment of partial state in node evaluation #12

Open geisserf opened 5 years ago

geisserf commented 5 years ago

Issue imported from old repository.

Currently, a partial state can have zero domain assignments for a given variable. In this case, we assume that the whole domain is covered. However, this leads to a non-intuitive special case in evaluation, where we have to check if the covered domain is empty and then treat it as a fully covered domain. It would be better (and lead to cleaner code) if we assume that a partial state has at least one value for every variable. For min/max evaluation, we can just create a partial state which covers all domains for all variables and give it to the partial evaluation.

digitalw commented 5 years ago
