gekware / minecraft-server-hibernation-pterodactyl-egg

egg for gekware/minecraft-server-hibernation
MIT License
36 stars 8 forks source link

Flag provided but not defined -Xmx2048M" #10

Closed ItzShubhamDev closed 1 year ago

ItzShubhamDev commented 1 year ago
container@pterodactyl~ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_312"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_312-b07)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.312-b07, mixed mode)
container@pterodactyl~ ./msh_server.bin -port 25707 -d 3 -infohibe "Hibernating." -infostar "Starting" -file server.jar -allowkill 30 -timeout 60 -msparam "-Xms128M -Xmx2048M"
║  _ __ ___  ___| |__                         ║
║ | '_ ` _ \/ __| '_ \                        ║
║ | | | | | \__ \ | | | v2.4.10               ║
║ |_| |_| |_|___/_| |_| d93e0a3               ║
║ Copyright (C) 2019-2022 gekigek99           ║
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║ remember to give a star to this repository! ║
2022/12/16 12:54:37 [info  ≡   ] checking OS support...
2022/12/16 12:54:37 [info  ≡   ] loading config...
2022/12/16 12:54:37 [info  ≡   ] reading config file: "/home/container/msh-config.json"
2022/12/16 12:54:37 [info  ≡   ] msh instance file exists
2022/12/16 12:54:37 [info  ≡   ] msh instance loaded is healthy
2022/12/16 12:54:37 [error ≡   ] loadDefault: getVersionInfo: minecraft server version and protocol could not be extracted from version.json [03f101]
flag provided but not defined: -Xmx2048M"
Usage of msh:
        Specify if minecraft server process can be suspended.
  -SuspendRefresh int
        Specify how often the suspended minecraft server process must be refreshed.
  -allowkill int
        Specify after how many seconds the server should be killed (if stop command fails). (default 10)
  -d int
        Specify debug level. (default 1)
  -file string
        Specify minecraft server file name. (default "server.jar")
  -folder string
        Specify minecraft server folder path. (default "./")
  -infohibe string
        Specify hibernation info. (default "                   §fserver status:\n                   §b§lHIBERNATING")
  -infostar string
        Specify starting info. (default "                   §fserver status:\n                    §6§lWARMING UP")
  -msparam string
        Specify start server parameters. (default "-Xms256M -Xmx2048M")
        Specify if message notifications are allowed. (default true)
        Specify if update notifications are allowed. (default true)
  -port int
        Specify msh port. (default 25555)
  -protocol int
        Specify minecraft server protocol. (default 754)
  -timeout int
        Specify time to wait before stopping minecraft server. (default 30)
  -version string
        Specify minecraft server version. (default "Paper 1.16.5")
        Specify is minecraft server whitelist should be imported
BolverBlitz commented 1 year ago

Can´t repoduce this problem.

gekigek99 commented 1 year ago

discussed in

fixed in