gekware / minecraft-server-hibernation-pterodactyl-egg

egg for gekware/minecraft-server-hibernation
MIT License
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Server not responding problem #14

Open BreadCatto opened 1 year ago

BreadCatto commented 1 year ago

it says server not responding when someone try to join server, minecraft version 1.20, also it works fine with 1.18.2, it's not my issue I've done a fresh install on 1.20 still dosent work

BolverBlitz commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately i can't test joining the server because the Microsoft Store doesn't want to update the launcher once again...

But "not responding" usualy means the main-thread got some issue, therfor it cant process commands either. I tested it with commands and it seems to work just fine, the server also reports its up and running.

I leave my testserver running for some time (3d) so you can try and join, since i can´t:

Logs (Click me) ```txt 2023/06/15 17:37:49.651 [info ≡≡≡ ] MINECRAFT SERVER IS OFFLINE! » msh start 2023/06/15 17:37:57.891 [info ≡≡≡ ] MINECRAFT SERVER IS STARTING! 2023/06/15 17:37:58.696 [serv ≡≡ ] Starting org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main 2023/06/15 17:37:59.517 [serv ≡≡ ] System Info: Java 17 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.7+7) Host: Linux 4.19.0-23-amd64 (amd64) 2023/06/15 17:37:59.517 [serv ≡≡ ] Loading libraries, please wait... 2023/06/15 17:37:59.919 [serv ≡≡ ] 2023-06-15 17:37:59,918 ServerMain WARN Advanced terminal features are not available in this environment 2023/06/15 17:38:12.135 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:12 INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD' 2023/06/15 17:38:16.826 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:16 INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes 2023/06/15 17:38:18.323 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:18 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.20.1 2023/06/15 17:38:18.323 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:18 INFO]: Loading properties 2023/06/15 17:38:18.598 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:18 INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-20 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: bae6096) 2023/06/15 17:38:18.700 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:18 INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO 2023/06/15 17:38:18.717 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:18 INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 2023/06/15 17:38:19.133 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:19 WARN]: [!] The timings profiler has been enabled but has been scheduled for removal from Paper in the future. 2023/06/15 17:38:19.133 [serv ≡≡ ] We recommend installing the spark profiler as a replacement: 2023/06/15 17:38:19.133 [serv ≡≡ ] For more information please visit: 2023/06/15 17:38:19.226 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:19 INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 1 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 1 threads 2023/06/15 17:38:19.811 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:19 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL 2023/06/15 17:38:19.811 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:19 INFO]: Generating keypair 2023/06/15 17:38:20.109 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:20 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on 2023/06/15 17:38:20.200 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:20 INFO]: Using epoll channel type 2023/06/15 17:38:20.228 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:20 INFO]: Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. 2023/06/15 17:38:20.228 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:20 INFO]: Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. 2023/06/15 17:38:20.411 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:20 INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it 2023/06/15 17:38:20.411 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:20 INFO]: Preparing level "world" 2023/06/15 17:38:21.816 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:21 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld 2023/06/15 17:38:22.900 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:22 INFO]: Time elapsed: 995 ms 2023/06/15 17:38:22.900 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:22 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether 2023/06/15 17:38:23.195 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:23 INFO]: Time elapsed: 296 ms 2023/06/15 17:38:23.195 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:23 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end 2023/06/15 17:38:23.404 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:23 INFO]: Time elapsed: 295 ms 2023/06/15 17:38:24.397 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:24 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks 2023/06/15 17:38:24.398 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:24 INFO]: Done (6.086s)! For help, type "help" 2023/06/15 17:38:24.398 [info ≡≡≡ ] MINECRAFT SERVER IS ONLINE! 2023/06/15 17:38:24.401 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:24 INFO]: Timings Reset » mine version 2023/06/15 17:38:29.548 [info ≡≡ ] ms command: version (origin: GetInput) 2023/06/15 17:38:30.111 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:30 INFO]: [3m[97mChecking version, please wait...[0m 2023/06/15 17:38:30.113 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:30 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5509ms or 110 ticks behind 2023/06/15 17:38:30.801 [serv ≡≡ ] [17:38:30 INFO]: [97mThis server is running Paper version git-Paper-20 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: bae6096) 2023/06/15 17:38:30.801 [serv ≡≡ ] [92mYou are running the latest version[0m ```
BreadCatto commented 1 year ago

when i try to join the server with like 800% cpu it works fine, but when i try using 100% cpu 1 thread it just rises up to 100% usage and gives the no responding error

BolverBlitz commented 1 year ago

That indicates a extreamly slow CPU.

BreadCatto commented 1 year ago

it works fine with normal paper and other eggs

BreadCatto commented 1 year ago

its an i7 3.5ghz

BolverBlitz commented 1 year ago

its an i7 3.5ghz

Sadly this has next to no meaning for performance. A i7 980 @3.6ghz is not even 50% as fast as a modern i7 at the same clock.

One reson why it works with normal paper is that this dosn´t "start" or "warm up" your server when you join. So with normal paper you just join but all the heavy starting was done before. MSH just starts the server when its needed so the initial spike will be higher.

BreadCatto commented 1 year ago

its fine while starting, its an i7 3rd gen, it shows error when someone tries to join the server

BolverBlitz commented 1 year ago

Do you use the "Suspend" function of MSH or not? You can play with this, turn it off or on and try again. Set another SuspendRefresh time or so.

It runs fine on my old Xeon Gen 2 from arround that time, so i would assume its not a problem witht he egg or msh in general.

BreadCatto commented 1 year ago

i dont use it, it's set to 0