gekware / minecraft-server-hibernation-pterodactyl-egg

egg for gekware/minecraft-server-hibernation
MIT License
36 stars 8 forks source link

error after clean install of egg #6

Closed cicatrice74 closed 2 years ago

cicatrice74 commented 2 years ago

i have this error after clean install

[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Pulling Docker container image, this could take a few minutes to complete...
Pulling from pterodactyl/yolks 
Digest: sha256:da669fc7b63f0f4eb1079a9a8c843a72a202310a8499552041ede5fd25cc1aa3 
Status: Image is up to date for 
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image
container@pterodactyl~ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.2+8-86)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.2+8-86, mixed mode, sharing)
container@pterodactyl~ ./msh_server.bin -port 25568 -d 3 -infohibe Currently not working -infostar Currently not working -file server.jar -allowKill 30 -timeout 120 -msparam "-Xms128M -Xmx1024M"
║  _ __ ___  ___| |__                         ║
║ | '_ ` _ \/ __| '_ \                        ║
║ | | | | | \__ \ | | | v2.4.6                ║
║ |_| |_| |_|___/_| |_| 3b66f16               ║
║ Copyright (C) 2019-2022 gekigek99           ║
║ github:        ║
║ remember to give a star to this repository! ║
2022/04/06 18:45:36 [info  *   ] checking OS support...
2022/04/06 18:45:36 [info  *   ] loading config...
2022/04/06 18:45:36 [error *   ] main: LoadConfig: loadDefault: machineid: machineid: open /etc/machine-id: no such file or directory
container@pterodactyl~ Server marked as offline...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ----------
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Exit code: 1
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Out of memory: false
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Aborting automatic restart, last crash occurred less than 60 seconds ago.```
BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

A quick fix is to use the j9 version.

I´ll ask on the pterodactyl discord why this could be. Thanks.

cicatrice74 commented 2 years ago

Any news on the issue ? I would like to test it.

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

No, they didn't reply. I'll ask again later.

cicatrice74 commented 2 years ago

It doesn't function anymore, tried clean installations, but nothing... please try to finally fix this, i would like to test it out on my system but cannot use it anymore... i'm trying to setup a velocity proxy to turn on a mc server but settings are all fixed... not good at all at this point. old version was functioning but i need a functional configurable version with ports configurables, messages. please fix asap. I really love this project

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

Did you try the J9 egg i toled you?

cicatrice74 commented 2 years ago

Yes, that have more problems, cannot regularly start it by proxy, it doesn't start when you try connecting if you don't cancel the connection first.. it then disconnects if the server finally starts... i think u should fix something there too, old version was functioning, can u tell how the msh_server.bin is created, can u let it be edited somehow ? There is this strange machine-id error... why ?

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

Yes, that have more problems, cannot regularly start it by proxy, it doesn't start when you try connecting if you don't cancel the connection first.. it then disconnects if the server finally starts...

This only happens because the Client thinks its a diffrent Version, you can just set the config manualy. msh-config.json

"Version": "Paper 1.18.2",
"Protocol": 758

But once you joined, the config is updated and from then it will perfectly: (Screenshot) grafik

i think u should fix something there too, old version was functioning

Maybe @gekigek99 can do that. Current issue: You join with 1.18.2 client to MSH beeing 1.17.2 and you won´t get the "Starting" kick. You just timeout. MSH only starts when you click "Cancel" in the client.

can u tell how the msh_server.bin is created

Its downloaded from a server (URL in EGG Variables)

curl -o msh_server.bin ${MSH_D_URL}

can u let it be edited somehow

Sure you can edit it, just fork our repo and make your modifications. MSH then build it, upload it to a webserver where the egg can then download it from.

There is this strange machine-id error... why ?

This error dosn´t exists in J9. MSH generates a id thats required to check the version of msh (Dev, Release, Depricated). The machine-id file is on every linux system at the same location with a unique value. For some reason it dosn´t exist in the pterodactyl hotspot java egg :/ So far nobody of the devs toled me why, or even responded to it.

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

I made a issue. Pterodactyl

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

So i would sugest to follow his advice and add another startup parameter to msh for maschine-id, if this is given msh should not try to read the ID. @gekigek99

gekigek99 commented 2 years ago

i think u should fix something there too, old version was functioning

@cicatrice74 can you tell me what version/commit you are using? and what was the one that was functioning?

So i would sugest to follow his and add another startup parameter to msh for maschine-id, if this is given msh should not try to read the ID. @gekigek99

@BolverBlitz isn't it possible, when an egg is installed to generate a file with a randomized sha1 in /etc/machine-id of the container? so that the container generates it's own id (even better if keeps it after reinstallation) (otherwise i'll leave it empty in config by default and try to get it with machineid... if it fails i generate a random one and write that to config)

cicatrice74 commented 2 years ago

I had the 2.4.0 version, it was almost ok, needed some custom or pterodactyl parameters' related issue... I am trying to have this finally fully working but with no success, it would be great to have start parameters directly tanken from the pterodactyl server section... maybe some sort of plugin support for the "waiting" server (tcpshield remember?), and fix the needing of cancel connection for the server to start. There are lot of problems in this latest version... I don't like the config section inside the msh_config file... i do not underrstand the 2555 port inside of it. Make it more simple like Server_Name: name Server_sleeping_port: 25568 Server_port: {get it from the pterodactyl panel server created} Memory_for_sleeping: 256M Memory: {get it from the pterodactyl panel server created}

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

The egg currently isnt nstalling 2.4.0 of MSH, its installing 2.4.6 For 2.4.0 you need the legacy egg.

gekigek99 commented 2 years ago


maybe some sort of plugin support for the "waiting" server (tcpshield remember?), and fix the needing of cancel connection for the server to start. There are lot of problems in this latest version... I don't like the config section inside the msh_config file... i do not underrstand the 2555 port inside of it. Make it more simple like Server_Name: name Server_sleeping_port: 25568 Server_port: {get it from the pterodactyl panel server created} Memory_for_sleeping: 256M Memory: {get it from the pterodactyl panel server created}

Feel free to pr ;)

BolverBlitz commented 2 years ago

I don't like the config section inside the msh_config file...

Luckily, you don´t need open it at all. I can currently not see any problem, thats not in the readme already.

Full, clean install of the Egg.

gekigek99 commented 2 years ago

@cicatrice74 i won't delete this issue for future reference but if you have any concern you are welcome to contact me on discord to have a clear explanation on the matter.

gekigek99 commented 2 years ago

the initial error was fixed here

now it needs to be implemented in the egg