gelisam / klister

an implementation of stuck macros
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Discussion: Craft a Roadmap? #211

Open doyougnu opened 1 year ago

doyougnu commented 1 year ago

cc @gelisam @david-christiansen

I'm a fan of roadmaps because I think it makes organizing work in a general direction much easier and will force us to triage a bit. I think we should have some high level goals and then dispatch tickets in pursuit of these goals. For example, here is a sample roadmap ordered from current goal to future goals:

Establish Klister as a Proof of concept

1) demonstrate that stuck macros can work (I think this is already done)

2) demonstrate a "Wow" program. This program should capture the essence of what we're trying to achieve. For haskell this program is foo = take 2 . map (+2) $ [1..] or something similar, i.e., its a program that demonstrates the benefits of laziness, purity and referential transparency. For rust this program would demonstrate ownership and catching a race condition at compile time. For klister, this seems to be implementing type classes as a library? I'm not sure because I don't understand the expressive power of the language yet!

Ease the workflow

We want to do work that saves work in the future. This means:

1) Implement #42 because a better test suite will save time tracking bugs before they are committed and libraries are built around them.

2) fix #17 because we want to be generate ASTs outside of IO. This allows us to do better testing but also gives us much better debugging tools (since we can bypass the parser and front-end altogether).

3) We should have a benchmark suite even if all it shows is that our performance is bad, we should still be able to track this. At some point we'll want to do some performance engineering. When this time comes well need the benchmark suite. Even if we don't care about the product we're producing, having a benchmark suite and some hard numbers gives us insight into the costs incurred by this novel macro system. So eventually when we write a paper, we'll want these numbers anyway.

Make Klister more usable

1) do #108, we want a good repl: Its a good learning tool, it comports with the lisp heritage, it can aid us in debugging. If we write a paper then this would also be a contribution (or another whole paper!)

2) decide on #165 or bootstrapping or what have you. I'm partial to breaking away from the Haskell ecosystem because I don't want to inherit the packaging and library issues that come with it. But beside that, if we truly think it is worth it to build a new language to explore the ideas in Klister then I would want to build a build system, compiler, documentation engine, testing library etc. in the language to test the language (Yes that is a lot of work, but I plan to contribute for years so its fine for me). For example, I want to try to implement levity polymorphism at some point!

3) Something else?! I'm not sure what is in the far future.

gelisam commented 1 year ago

demonstrate a "Wow" program [...] foo = take 2 . map (+2) $ [1..] [...] For klister, this seems to be implementing type classes as a library?

The Haskell example is much smaller than the typeclasses example!

For a small example, what do you think of the megaconst example from our TyDe2020 extended abstract?

doyougnu commented 1 year ago

I think its a good example but is only suited for a small audience. What I would want is the megaconst example complete with a DSL that ties the whole picture together.

So the narrative would be:

surely too long for an abstract, but thats ok this would be the intro example. The point is to first start with a well known DSL for anything, because that is where the audience is, then show how it can better leverage klister's features for some benefit.

gelisam commented 1 year ago

I think we should have some high level goals and then dispatch tickets in pursuit of these goals.

It's a side-project, you should work on whichever features you are the most passionate about, not the features the rest of us are the most passionate about :)

My personal roadmap for Klister (that is, which features I would work on if I had more time) is:

  1. 202

  2. 186

  3. 184

  4. 105

  5. 168

  6. 167

  7. 165

  8. 54

  9. 119

gelisam commented 1 year ago

From your list of priorities, the section which speaks to me the most is "Make Klister more usable". I would love to be able to use Klister to solve Advent of Code problems, for example. That's something the Unison team did last year and I think it's a great way to demonstrate the language in a few small bites.

doyougnu commented 1 year ago

absolutely! This is high on my list as well and I think it would help with #202 because we could show the repl examples. That is exactly what I'm after and something like AoC is a great proving ground for programming-in-the-small

gelisam commented 1 year ago

The point is to first start with a well known DSL for anything, because that is where the audience is, then show how it can better leverage klister's features for some benefit.

I like this idea! Let's see, what are some well-known DSLs...

  1. Hutton's Razor (integers and addition)
  2. Untyped lambda calculus
  3. Simply-typed lambda calculus with type annotation on the lambda parameters
  4. Simply-typed lambda calculus with type inference
  5. System F
  6. Linear lambda calculus
  7. π-calculus
  8. Session types
  9. List comprehension
  10. SQL
  11. Persistent's model files
  12. Diagram languages, like dot or mermaid
  13. Servant's type level route descriptions
  14. Yesod's "Shakespearean Templates"
  15. CSS selectors
  16. jq, awk, sed
  17. Template engines like Mustache
  18. Chess notation

It's a rather heterogeneous list, so I'm sure there are more well-known DSLs from domains I'm not thinking about!

doyougnu commented 1 year ago

there is also:

doyougnu commented 1 year ago

but anything that should be typed is a prime example.

david-christiansen commented 1 year ago

Here's my personal roadmap, if I had any time at all for this. It would be the following series of submissions to various PL conferences:

gelisam commented 1 year ago

It's a rather heterogeneous list, so I'm sure there are more well-known DSLs from domains I'm not thinking about!

Chat GPT to the rescue, I asked it to list DSLs with relatively unusual type systems, for example the lambda calculus, and here's the list it gave:

  1. Dependent type systems: Coq, Agda, Idris.
  2. Session types: Scribble, pi calculus. (I had never heard of Scribble, nice!)
  3. Refinement types: Liquid Haskell, F*.
  4. Gradual types: TypeScript, Racket.
  5. Linear types: linear lambda calculus, Rust.
  6. Intersection types: TypeScript, Scala.
  7. Polymorphic types: Haskell, ML.
  8. Nominal types: Java, C# (and by extension, Structural types: PureScript, go).
  9. (Row types: PureScript)

It is relatively easy to implement an intrinsically-typed lambda calculus DSL in Haskell, because the simply-typed lambda calculus is part of Haskell's type system, but it would be harder to implement a calculi with one of those more exotic or more powerful type systems. The problem is that it would also be harder with Klister! The selling point is that our macros can use the types computed by Klister's builtin type system, not that it can be used to define custom type systems, so it's not obvious that Klister would be a better fit.

That being said, implementing type classes in the language is definitely an example of a custom extension to the type system, and I think my implementation of Scala-style implicits counts, so I am hopeful that Klister can be used to define exotic type systems, I just don't have a very good justification for that belief nor a good understanding of the set of type systems which would be easy or hard to implement.

Maybe we should just try implementing a few calculi and see if any of them are easier than expected? Or maybe my Scala-style implicits is already a good example of a "Wow" program? I specifically picked that example because the type system allows the programmer to write less code, as opposed to catch more errors, so it's a good way to illustrate the benefit of type-driven macros.

doyougnu commented 1 year ago

The selling point is that our macros can use the types computed by Klister's builtin type system, not that it can be used to define custom type systems, so it's not obvious that Klister would be a better fit.

So this means Hindley-Milner right? So the "wow" would be a deduction of some type that the audience would normally expect to provide but is given by the HM unification algorithm. Perhaps we could demonstrate a DSL that usually has a rather poor type system like SQL and then show how we get HM "for free" via the embedding in klister as a host language. Another one that might be cool is an array language like J, APL, or BQN. These languages are typically dynamically typed, but I just wonder what an embedding (and a typed one at that) would look like. In any case, the extended abstract does say:

Finally, we hope to explore richer type systems than HindleyMilner, beginning with extensions to higher-kinded polymorphism

So perhaps this list is a good demo list once the project is in a place where richer type systems can be added.

david-christiansen commented 1 year ago

Didn't I get higher-kinded polymorphism working? I know there's kind metas in the expander...

gelisam commented 1 year ago

Didn't I get higher-kinded polymorphism working? I know there's kind metas in the expander...

We have kind inference, but instead of generalizing kind variables like PolyKinds, we default to * like NoPolyKinds.

gelisam commented 1 year ago

So this means Hindley-Milner right? So the "wow" would be a deduction of some type that the audience would normally expect to provide but is given by the HM unification algorithm.

Hmm, bit Hindley-Milner is very standard, so if HM gives a type, then the audience will expect not to have to write a type signature!

gelisam commented 1 year ago

Perhaps we could demonstrate a DSL that usually has a rather poor type system like SQL and then show how we get HM "for free" via the embedding in klister as a host language. Another one that might be cool is an array language like J, APL, or BQN.

I don't think that's the right kind of demo either. If I implement a stack language using an intrinsically-typed approach in Haskell, I also get type-checking for free, no need to type-aware macros:

data Expr (before :: [*]) (after :: [*]) where
  IntLit :: Int -> Expr xs (Int ': xs)
  Add :: Expr (Int ': Int ': xs) (Int ': xs)

SQL is a much bigger language, but the same approach works.