geluk / matrix-webhook-gateway

Webhook gateway for Matrix / Synapse. Create and manage webhooks in Matrix channels for multiple services.
MIT License
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webhook hangs at webserver "Received an unrecognised webhook" #25

Closed horstepipe closed 2 years ago

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

Hello hope I'm not overseeing something. I setup the gateway without docker. After starting it, I'm getting a warning - which might be the problem - but I'm not sure:

2021-10-28 20:17:48.577.000 WARN [bridge] [-] POST (AS) HTTP 400 Error: "{\"errcode\":\"M_USER_IN_USE\",\"error\":\"User ID already taken.\"}"

I also took a look at the homeserver.log, unfortunately there's just the same error. So I'm unsure whether this is critical.

Webhook creation worked fine in Matrix, but if I want to send some test messages, e.g.

 curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"Test":"test"}'

I'm seeing this output and the hook is not being passed to the room:

 2021-10-28 20:25:20.570.000      WARN   [webhook-srv]           Received an unrecognised webhook:
  Test: 'test'

Would be nice if you have some idea about that. Thanks!

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

worth to mention that I'm using Synapse's LDAP Auth provider and disabled the local user database in homerserver.yaml.

geluk commented 2 years ago

Hi @horstepipe, I do know that the warning you're seeing is unlikely to be the cause of your issue. This warning unfortunately always shows when the application starts, due to a quirk in the Matrix library (I believe).

The message you're sending is not recognised by default. You could either write a plugin for it (if you'd like I can help you out with that), or you can use one of the message formats that are supported by default. For instance, something like this:

 curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"hello", "username": "user", "icon_url": ""}'

The username and icon_url fields are optional.

The formats supported by default can also be found here:

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

ahh thank you very much! Let me take a look at writing a plugin and if you don't mind get back to you.

Best regards!

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

so basically what I need is this: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"movie":"$1","year":"$2","library":"$3"}'

geluk commented 2 years ago

Here's a simple plugin that will format the above content into a Matrix message.

You can modify the username, icon, and text fields however you like. I don't have any documentation for the plugin API yet, but if you need help changing anything, feel free to ask.

import { assertType } from 'typescript-is';
import { PluginBase, WebhookMessage } from '../../src/pluginApi/v2';
import * as f from '../../src/formatting/formatting';

interface EmbyWebhook {
  movie: string;
  year: string;
  library: string;

export const format = 'emby';

export default class EmbyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  async init(): Promise<void> { }

  async transform(body: unknown): Promise<WebhookMessage | undefined> {
    const emby = assertType<EmbyWebhook>(body);
    return {
      username: 'Emby',
      icon: {
        url: ''
      text: f.fmt(
        'Movie ',
        ' (',
        ') added to library: ',
horstepipe commented 2 years ago

thank you very much!!! I'll try it out asap

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

humm I think I'm currently a little slow. Would you mind taking a look here, as it is probably not an issue about your gateway.

just if you don't mind and have some minutes!

geluk commented 2 years ago

Based on your logs, it looks like the plugin wasn't executed. I realised that I forgot to mention this, but you should postfix the webhook URL with the name of the plugin (in this case, emby). For example, if your webhook looks like this:

Then you should postfix it with /emby like so:

The webhook should also be dropped into your plugin directory. Any name is fine, as long as it ends with .ts.

If the plugin has loaded successfully, you will see the following message on startup (you may need to raise the log level by running the webhook gateway at a higher verbosity: node entry.js -v) :

2021-10-30 20:13:29.645  DEBUG [webhook-srv] Loading plugin emby.ts from <plugin hash>.js
horstepipe commented 2 years ago

thank you very much for taking the time to troubleshoot my problem. The things you suggested were unfortunately already true.

Here is a full output of the gateway log:

2021-10-31 17:34:35.500.000      INFO   [webhook-srv]           Matrix bridge running on
2021-10-31 17:34:35.528.000      WARN   [bridge]                [-] POST (AS) HTTP 400 Error: "{\"errcode\":\"M_USER_IN_USE\",\"error\":\"User ID already taken.\"}"
2021-10-31 17:34:35.602.000      INFO   [webhook-srv]           Loaded plugins: emby
2021-10-31 17:34:35.605.000      INFO   [webhook-srv]           Web server running on
2021-10-31 17:35:01.737.000      WARN   [bridge]                [-] POST (AS) HTTP 400 Error: "{\"errcode\":\"M_USER_IN_USE\",\"error\":\"User ID already taken.\"}"
2021-10-31 17:35:02.199.000      ERROR  [webhook-srv]           Failed to handle webhook invocation:
 Error  Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'formatPlain')
error stack:
• formatting.ts:26 toPlain

• formatting.ts:231 formatPlain

• formatting.ts:26 toPlain

• formatting.ts:36 formatPlain

• formatting.ts:26 toPlain

• MatrixBridge.ts:53 <anonymous>

• MatrixBridge.js:27 <anonymous>

This is the test curl I'm using:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"movie":"Testfilm","year":"1999","library":"aktuelle Filme"}'
geluk commented 2 years ago

You're welcome! Unfortunately I can't reproduce the issue locally, but I suspect that something is going wrong with reading the webhook POST content, because it does try to format the data.

Could you modify the plugin like so, and let me know what it logs?

import { assertType } from 'typescript-is';
import { PluginBase, WebhookMessage } from '../../src/pluginApi/v2';
import * as f from '../../src/formatting/formatting';
import logger from '../../src/util/logger';

interface EmbyWebhook {
  movie: string;
  year: string;
  library: string;

export const format = 'emby';

export default class EmbyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  async init(): Promise<void> {}

  async transform(body: unknown): Promise<WebhookMessage | undefined> {'Request body: ', body);
    const emby = assertType<EmbyWebhook>(body);
    return {
      username: 'Emby',
      icon: {
        url: '',
      text: f.fmt(
        'Movie ',
        ' (',
        ') added to library: ',
Dual-0 commented 2 years ago

@horstepipe I've created a emby.ts plugin:

import { is } from 'typescript-is';
import { PluginBase, WebhookMessage } from '../../src/pluginApi/v2';
import {
} from '../../src/formatting/formatting';

type movie = {
    movie: string;
    year: string;
    imdb: string;
    library: string;
type series = {
    series: string;
    imdb: string;
    library: string;
type season = {
    season: string;
    series: string;
    imdb: string;

export const format = 'emby';

export default class EmbyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  // This function will be executed once, on startup.
  async init(): Promise<void> {'emby plugin starting up');

  // This function will be executed every time a webhook with a matching
  // format is posted. It should either return a `WebhookMessage`, if the
  // webhook is to be executed, or `undefined`, if the webhook is to be
  // rejected.
  async transform(body: unknown): Promise<WebhookMessage | undefined> {
    // You can make use of 'typescript-is' to perform runtime type checks on
    // input data. This makes it easy to reject invalid webhooks.
    if (is<movie>(body)) {
        var link = '' +;
        var titel = + ' (' + body.year + ')';
        return {
            // username: 'Emby Bot',
            text: fmt(
                'The Movie ',
                ' was added to the ',
                ' library',
    if (is<series>(body)) {
        var link = '' +;
        return {
            // username: 'Emby Bot',
            text: fmt(
                'The Series ',
                ' was added to the ',
                ' library',
    if ((is<season>(body) {
        var link = '' +;
        return {
            // username: 'Emby Bot',
            text: fmt(
                'Season ',
                ' was added to ',

    } else {
        this.logger.warn('Invalid webhook');
        return undefined;
} shell script for sending webhooks:


# Variables

webhook() {
    curl -X POST "$webhook_url/emby" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$1"

if [[ $1 == Movie ]] && [[ "$4" =~ $imdb_pattern ]]; then
    webhook "{\"movie\":\"$2\",\"year\":\"$3\",\"imdb\":\"$4\",\"library\":\"$5\"}"
elif [[ $1 == Series ]] && [[ "$3" =~ $imdb_pattern ]]; then
    webhook "{\"series\":\"$2\",\"imdb\":\"$3\",\"library\":\"$4\"}"
elif [[ $1 == Season ]] && [[ "$4" =~ $imdb_pattern ]]; then
    webhook "{\"season\":\"$2\",\"series\":\"$3\",\"imdb\":\"$4\"}"

example parameters:

bash "Movie" "Django Unchained" "2012" "tt1853728" "My Movies"
bash "Series" "Squid Game" "tt10919420" "My Series"
bash "Season" "1" "Squid Game" "tt10919420"

give example messages: image

@geluk any advices for the emby.ts plugin?

geluk commented 2 years ago

@Dual-0 Once the next version of the webhook gateway comes out, there will be a few more formatting functions to further simplify the text formatting that you're doing here, but other than that I don't have any significant feedback. What you're showing here is exactly what I hoped people would be able to do, which is to create their own plugins tailored to their own use cases, so I'm happy to see that it's working.

There's one thing I'll clarify; you can either use type or interface for your type definitions. For the purposes of making webhook plugins, there are no real differences between these two, so use whatever you like (in fact in my examples I've used both as well). It is conventional to use uppercase names for types to distinguish them from variables, but as long as you can read the code, that doesn't really matter here.

Lastly, I'd be interested in hearing about your experiences writing the plugin. Did you run into any issues? Was there anything in the process that's unclear or could be made more ergonomic? If you have any feedback here, I'll use that to improve the process for future users.

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

thank you very much dual-o for sharing! Unfortunately, i'm still getting the same error. I guess I need to try the docker installation as it is more up to date than the normal installation.

geluk commented 2 years ago

@horstepipe The Docker version has a :dev tag which tracks the latest development version. I don't currently have a way of automatically distributing the latest version of the normal version, but I've uploaded a recent build here:

Dual-0 commented 2 years ago

@horstepipe: I use it without docker. just the "latest" tagged release + node + pgsql. my systemd file:

Description=matrix-webhook-gateway daemon

WorkingDirectory= /opt/webhook-gateway
ExecStart=node entry.js -c "/opt/webhook-gateway/gateway-config.yaml" -a "/etc/matrix-synapse/appservices/appservice-webhook-gateway.yaml"

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

@horstepipe: I use it without docker. just the "latest" tagged release + node + pgsql. my systemd file:

Description=matrix-webhook-gateway daemon

WorkingDirectory= /opt/webhook-gateway
ExecStart=node entry.js -c "/opt/webhook-gateway/gateway-config.yaml" -a "/etc/matrix-synapse/appservices/appservice-webhook-gateway.yaml"


thanks. okay if it also works via non docker for you, something else seems to go wrong here. I'll reinstall and reconfigure the whole thing and see if this helps.

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

which node version are you running? I do 16.13.0

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

another thing, from your config it looks like the webhook is on an external server? Here it is the same server. Is there anything which could be problematic about that?

horstepipe commented 2 years ago

okay forget it. IT IS WORKING NOW, yeha! :-) I deleted the cache and workdir directories at the plugins folders, now it works as intended.

Thank you very very much to you guys for helping me setting this up!