gem / oq-engine

OpenQuake Engine: a software for Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error when trying to create a geopackage for the JPN model. #8392

Open mmpagani opened 1 year ago

mmpagani commented 1 year ago

The last version of the JPN model contains some characteristicFaultSources whose ruptures are represented as griddedSurfaces. The error generated while creating this file is UnboundLocalError: node characteristicFaultSource: local variable 'geom' referenced before assignment. This happens since here the case of a griddedSurface is not considered.

micheles commented 1 year ago

Unfortunaly characteristicFaultSources are not supported by the converter since they highly nontrivial and they require some discussion with the scientific team (what do we want to store and how we want to store it, how many surface types we want to convert and how). I agree that the error message should be improved.

micheles commented 7 months ago

Example file: char.xml.gz

$ oq nrml_to csv char.xml