gem / oq-platform

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Ript: 'sites conditions' and grand refactoring. #569

Closed nastasi-oq closed 8 years ago

nastasi-oq commented 8 years ago

All app rewrited and add 'sites conditions' tab.

ptormene commented 8 years ago

Please make the output text area read-only MN: done

ptormene commented 8 years ago

In tables, if I right-click on a row id I can insert or delete rows. In the GUI there's an additional Add Row button that does the same as clicking on the last row and selecting Insert row below. We can think about adding another button that removes the last row from the table (equivalent to right-clicking the last row and selecting Remove row. MN: this asymmetric approach seems correct to me, the add button is also an implicit message: "hey, you can add rows", after that, if you want to delete rows, the right click option is in the top-three chart of things to try.

ptormene commented 8 years ago

The Remove button, as it is now, could be misunderstood, because one could think it's about removing a row from the table. Perhaps we could change the label to make it clear it removes the whole function. We could also ask the user if they are sure about deleting it (otherwise you might remove a function by a misclick) MN: done

ptormene commented 8 years ago


CatalinaYepes commented 8 years ago


There are still additional checks that need to be included in the OQ-engine