Extended I_Attachment_Service by 'delete_Maildata' in order to provide a authenticated interface to delete stored mail data from the KAS. This might be required in failure scenarios in which the corresponding mail couldn´t be sent by the KIM Clientmodul due to e.g. a TI-Konnektor operation failure after add_Attachment.
This may be a operational benefit as we could avoid unnecessary data consumption in KAS storage, as the data might never be requestable.
Extended I_Attachment_Service by 'delete_Maildata' in order to provide a authenticated interface to delete stored mail data from the KAS. This might be required in failure scenarios in which the corresponding mail couldn´t be sent by the KIM Clientmodul due to e.g. a TI-Konnektor operation failure after add_Attachment.
This may be a operational benefit as we could avoid unnecessary data consumption in KAS storage, as the data might never be requestable.