gematik / codfsh

codfsh is a VS Code Extension to support compilation and validation of FHIR profile definitions. Short Hand files (.fsh) can be compiled and validated easily with Sushi and HAPI validator
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single way to 'initialise' all of the needed tools #15

Open SvenSommer opened 1 year ago

SvenSommer commented 1 year ago

"Would be nice if there was a single way to 'initialise' all of the needed tools, that is do all of the manual download steps automatically" by Vadim Peretokin

SvenSommer commented 9 months ago

Hello @vadi2,

to address your request for a single way to initialize all the needed tools and automate the manual download steps, I recommend using our preconfigured devcontainer setup which has codfsh already installed and preconfigured. This setup is part of the spec-TemplateForSimplifierProjects repository and is designed to provide a comprehensive, ready-to-use development environment with all necessary tools preinstalled, including the codfsh extension for FHIR development.

Advantages of Using a Devcontainer

How to Use the Devcontainer

  1. Get the .devcontainer Folder: Clone or download the .devcontainer folder from the spec-TemplateForSimplifierProjects/.devcontainer directory.

  2. Add to Your Project: Place this folder in the root of your project.

  3. Open in VSCode: Open your project in Visual Studio Code. You'll be prompted to reopen it in a container environment.

  4. Start Working: Once the container is built and the project is opened in it, all the tools and dependencies will be set up and ready to use.

Next Steps

I believe this devcontainer approach will significantly simplify the initial setup process for your development work. Please give it a try and let us know how it works for you. If you encounter any issues or have further suggestions, feel free to share your feedback.

@vadi2, I hope this solution meets your needs for an efficient and streamlined development setup. Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback on this approach.

vadi2 commented 8 months ago

Yes, that will work! Thank you.

I did run into an issue with the intialization, but I will file it as a separate ticket as it is not in scope here.