gemengtju / Tutorial_Separation

This repo summarizes the tutorials, datasets, papers, codes and tools for speech separation and speaker extraction task. You are kindly invited to pull requests.
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very newly updated and detailed tutorial for speech separation #3

Open soowhanchung opened 2 years ago

soowhanchung commented 2 years ago

Hi. I just found this repository, and thanks for mentioning my paper "FaceFilter" in your tutorial list. I hope you modify ArXiv notation into INTERSPEECH 2021. (This paper got the best paper award at that conference.) And, if you don't mind, I recommend my new paper for the multi-modal speech enhancement network "CaffNet" in CVPR 2021. The project site is here, and you can see the paper in this link. Thank you for your kindness.

gemengtju commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion. I will update the repository later.