Open bf4 opened 10 years ago
Comment by paulasmuth Sunday May 06, 2012 at 23:54 GMT
First of all, sorry for my late answer. From fnordmetric v0.7.3 upwards you can do the following:
$ ruby my_fnordmetric_app.rb worker
Comment by fairchild Monday May 07, 2012 at 01:33 GMT
This seems to work fine when you have FnordMetric.standalone
. However, standalone does not appear to allow you to pass in options. Is there a recommended way to run it with something like
:redis_url => ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'] || "redis://localhost:6379",
:inbound_stream => ["", "1337"]
And, any idea how best to set the inbound_stream port on heroku?
Comment by paulasmuth Monday May 07, 2012 at 01:36 GMT
hm, maybe you are looking for this?
FnordMetric.server_configuration = {
:redis_url => ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'] || "redis://localhost:6379",
:inbound_stream => ["", "1337"]
Comment by juandazapata Monday May 07, 2012 at 13:38 GMT
Heroku won't allow to spawn a random port so this line
:inbound_stream => ["", "1337"]
Will fail in Heroku.
Finally, thank you for your answer and your willingness to help, you're awesome.
Comment by paulasmuth Monday May 07, 2012 at 14:12 GMT
You can disable the inbound stream by passing:
FnordMetric.server_configuration = {
:redis_url => ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'] || "redis://localhost:6379",
:inbound_stream => false
Comment by fairchild Monday May 07, 2012 at 15:31 GMT
I created a sample repo at I think it can likely be done much cleaner than i have done there.
Seems when inbound_stream is set to false, i get errors like cant start FnordMetric::InboundStream. port in use?
Issue by juandazapata Friday May 04, 2012 at 15:49 GMT Originally opened as
I'm having a hard time trying to run Fnordmetric in Heroku. Basically, what happens is that Heroku won't allow to start the EM worker on the same dyno. Is there a way to manually run the Fnordmetric worker using a rake command or something similar?